Chapter Forty-Seven

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I smile happily as I watch my wife snore lightly in our bed. Tomorrow was her birthday and since we still had the kids, I decided I'd have a small early-birthday celebration for her since I knew Brianna and Melani were getting something together for her tomorrow. I know she only wanted to stay in and be an old lady but it's too many of us who are happy for her presence in our lives.

I kiss the tip of her nose before exiting the bed to get ready for the day. Luckily, I knew she'd be out for a while since we stayed up pretty late last night talking. She may not look it but age is slowly catching up to her and all the energy she used to have is being drained. Gosh, this woman is about to be 46 years old, four years away from half a century. 

Sighing, I brush my teeth and get dressed in casual clothes before making my way to wake everyone else up. I don't know if I was surprised to find Lisa and Joy already up. Don't teenagers usually like to sleep in? "Is Daisy and King awake as well?" I question the two.

Joy nods her head, "King is showing Daisy his dinosaur book since he didn't get to last night. She might be bored of it now, though."

I chuckle and nod my head, "Oh by the way we're about to go out and get a few things for later. I need you guys' help to put something together for Cal," I whisper from the door, hoping that Callie wasn't awake. Joy's brows raise, "For Callie? Why?"

"I'm not sure if I remember correctly but either today or tomorrow is her birthday," Lisa mutters, glancing at me for an answer. Nodding my head, "It's tomorrow but our friends already have something planned. I was thinking it'd be a good idea to have a little celebration here with the six of us. It'll be really sentimental for her."

Lisa eyes Joy. "Get dressed, I'm gonna go get the others. We'll leave in 30 minutes, try not to make too much noise I don't want to wake her," I spit, leaving the two to do their own thing. Making my way to Daisy's room, I smile as I find her and King on the floor with his dinosaur book between them. I watch the two silently, not wanting to ruin the mood.

Daisy's little finger moves to one of the pictures, "What's this one?" she questions.

King's lips curl upward into a smile, "This is a Sp-Sp" he stutters trying to read the word in bold correctly. Daisy smiles as she shows him out to sound it out before they both say the word together. "Spinosaurus!"

I can't help but coo at the two, truly in love. "King," Daisy mutters grabbing his attention from the book. He eyes the girl, curious about why she'd called his name. Daisy sits up and crawls over to him, sitting beside him and bumping her shoulder with him. "Do you want to be my little brother?" she questions cutely, so much so that I'm almost sure my heart just burst.

"C-can I? And Joy too?"

Daisy giggles, "Joy can't be my brother because she's a girl!"

King frowns, "But Joy is the only bamibly I habe..." Daisy nods her head, "But she can't be my brother because she's a girl. So she has to be my sister. So you will have two sisters!" The boy's frown quickly disappears as he nods his head happily. I think at this point if we don't adopt them, it's illegal.

I knock on the door, making my presence known as I step into the room. Daisy's eyes move away from King as she eyes me. "Mama!" she yells causing me to chuckle as she runs into my arms. Mid-hug, she turns to King. "Since you are my brother now, this is mama to you too. You can hug her too."

The small blonde boy eyes us, not entirely sure he wanted to hug either of us. "You don't have to if you don't want to," Daisy reassures as she makes her way to him. She raises her fist causing the boy to flinch. My brows raise as I watch him flinch away in fear. Does... does Freida hit him? "It's okay, I won't hit you," Daisy muttered grabbing his hand.

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