Chapter Thirty-Five

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My knee bounced wildly as I sat in the coffee shop. After ignoring Jenny's messages for a week, I finally mustered up the courage to text her and set up a date to talk with her. Not only was I going to be talking with her but I was also going to meet her mother. Or in other words, my grandmother. 

God, I grew up without one, how do I go about this? My head quickly turns as I hear the bell meaning someone was entering the cafe. I immediately spot Jenny and behind her an older woman. I swallow the lump in my throat and turn back around, not wanting them to spot me as quickly as I spotted them.

I wasn't ready. Damn, I should've gone up on Callie's proposal for her to join me. I can't do this on my own. I need emotional support. "Oh, there she is—Logan," Jenny's voice makes me aware that I've been spotted. I exit the booth and stand to greet the women. As if it was a normal thing, Jenny leaned in and gave me a hug while also kissing my cheek.

I clear my throat, awkwardly as I eye the woman in confusion. She ignores my gaze as she slides into the other side of the booth. I avert my gaze to the older woman. "Hi," I spit nervously. She smiles, tilting her head. "You look just like mi Mija, such a beauty you are."

The older woman pulls me into a hug as well before sitting next to Jenny. I keep my back to the woman as I inhale and exhale, getting my nerves ready for whatever was to come. I turn and sit down. "Logan this is your Abuela, Josefina. Mama this is Logan O'Brien."

Oh god, they speak Spanish in their household? My knowledge of Spanish barely passes high school level. I knew I should've studied this in College. Fuck. "The ring on your finger, are you married?"

I glance at my ring, immediately letting out a breath, somehow relieved. "Yes."

Josefina smiles, wanting me to go on, clearly asking for more details about my romantic life. "Uh... I've been married for 5 years and I have a daughter, Daisy."

The older woman's smile grows, "And what does your husband do? Are you a stay-at-home mother? What is life like for you?" I eye the woman. Why is everyone's first assumption always a man? Shouldn't it be more socially acceptable to just ask 'what does your partner do?' What about people who are married to non-binary partners?

"My wife is retired. I am a stay-at-home mother at the moment but I'm looking for a job. My life is fine."

Her dark eyes land on me surprised that I said wife and not husband. I knew most Hispanic women her age were very conservative and that was something I could be very confident about. If she couldn't accept my relationship then clearly we had nothing to say to each other. Callie and Daisy are my pride and joy and I wasn't going to suck up to someone's homophobia just to have a family.

"Just like, Narcissa," she nudges Jenny's shoulder with a smile. I raise my brow in confusion. Narcissa? Upon realizing my confusion, Jenny speaks to clarify for me. "Narcissa is another aunt of yours. She's also married to a woman. Mama was just saying that she's not alone anymore, being the only gay one in the family."

"Narcissa?" I question, hoping and silently praying that she wasn't talking about the woman who tried fucking my wife a few weeks ago. Surely this was another Narcissa she was talking about. Jenny nods her head, "I don't think she went back to Dubai yet, maybe I could ask her to meet us here. I bet she'd love to meet our long-lost niece."


There were way too many coincidences here. But I allow her to call the woman because I wanted to see for myself. Jenny excuses herself, leaving me alone with my grandmother. I smile awkwardly at the woman. "You grew up with Jamie, yes? I heard about his passing but we couldn't make it to the funeral. How about Phoebe and Evan? Are they living here as well?"

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