Chapter Twenty-four

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"C'mon it's time for you to get up," I shake Daisy lightly. The younger version of her mother, groans, displeased with the early time. I smile as I watch her pull the blanket up to her chin then over her head. "Baby you've got to get up."

I hear a noise behind me before Logan's voice came into the room. "If you get up and shower, I'll make your favorite..." she trails, "Strawberry pancakes and eggs." Just those few words woke the young girl up. She pushed her blanket away from her body and stretched and yawned before pulling me into a hug. "Morning mommy."

"Good morning, my love. Go shower, I'll get your clothes ready," I send her into the restroom. She hugs Logan, happily as she exits the room. I stand from the floor and turn to find my wife smiling in the doorway, "You two are so cute in the morning." I chuckle and rub my eyes, "Yeah, when it comes to this she takes after me more than she does you."

The older brunette nods her head, "I'll go make breakfast." I nod my head, watching her exit the room. I yawn into my hand before heading towards Daisy's closet, pulling out her school uniform consisting of a maroon collard shirt, a khaki skirt, and her matching maroon shoes we bought for her last week. 

Though she wasn't too thrilled about having a uniform this year, she was more than happy when we compromised and bought her pairs of shoes that matched the school colors. Maroon, navy blue, and white. Grabbing her towel and undergarment, I make sure her backpack is packed with her school supplies before exiting the room and heading to the restroom. 

Peeking my head in, I spot the brunette on the toilet, waiting for me. I slip in and close the door behind me, setting her towel and clothes onto the counter. "You're becoming a big girl, I guess mommy should teach you how to use the shower now," I smile, sliding the curtain back, exposing the handles for her. 

I point to the handle closest to the wall, "That's the hot water, you turn it right for it to turn on," I instruct and demonstrate. She nods her head once I turn the knob back off. "And this one's the cold water, you do the same, turning it to the right. Can you show mommy your right?"

She frowns, placing up two L's with both hands. Something I remember her learning from Logan who even at 29 still struggles knowing her left from her right. Spotting the wrong L, she holds her right hand. "That's correct. An easier way to remember is that you write and color with your right hand."

Smiling widely, she nods her head, learning something new. "Tomorrow, I expect you to turn on the shower by yourself. Think you can do that for mommy?" 

"I can!"

I can't help but smile and lean over, pecking her cheek. I turn the water back on, making sure it was warm enough for her before pushing the curtain back and letting her get into the shower. "Do you need me to help you bathe?" I question. "No! I remember from last time!"

God, she's growing up. "Okay, mommy's going to go, I'll be back in 5 minutes." Peeking her head from behind the curtain she gives me a big thumbs up, letting me know she's good being alone. I exit the restroom and head towards the kitchen. I spot Logan in her beige apron, keeping her promise to Daisy. Homemade strawberry pancakes and eggs. 

I make my way towards the woman, wrapping my arms around her waist and kissing her neck. "Our baby's in 1st grade, Cal. She's growing up and I'm not too ready for this," she mutters with a sigh. I nod my head in agreement, I do wish she could stay young forever. "Are you going with me to take her to school?"

"Uhm, duh. It's her first day, she needs us both there."

"Does she? She'll have Paisley, Ethan, and Emily to help her get through this year."

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