My Story

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"Cedric Mintz!" The woman with blue hair announced.

I let out a breath as the boys around me turned and gawked. Everyone knew me. Everyone had heard me say a day before that I hoped to be the one to yo to the Hunger Games. It's finally happening now.

A grin pulls on my face and I jog up to the stadium and skip a few steps up the stairs.

"My! How enthusiastic!" The woman chuckled "It's quite refreshing actually!"

I smile at her "Can I say a few words?" I ask.

She grins then nods at me. I take the microphone from her hands and ask quietly "What's your name?"

"Darla" She says with a fumbled grin.

"Okay" I say with an exhale.

I turn to the crowd of boys.

This was District 14, the only district made up of only boys. Not a single girl in sight. Therefore, only one boy goes into the hunger games from this district.

This district's only purpose was to train boys how to repopulate the world in case there was ever a problem. Basically, a district to mate with females.

This was the savage district and highly considered dirty and horribly nasty, filled with boys who only wanted one thing, intercorse.

Most of the boys here did, but I like to say I'm the exception.

"I'd like to say thank you to Darla for choosing me" I say first. Darla blushed and giggled as the boys thrusted their fists into the air in cheer. "I'd also like to thank the boys of this district who taught me everything I know!" I add. More cheering. "And of course, I'd like to thank my dad" I say with a cruel smile.

All the boys burst out laughing with rude guffawing and back slaps. Darla smiled but she didn't know why everyone was so enthusiastic.

Everyone found this so funny, because my dad is dead. Every boy here has a dad except for me. So me thanking my dad was the joke of district and everyone found it hilarious.

I throw my arm up and laugh.


The train ride was fun. Darla talked with me about this and that and I gladly talked back.

"Why are you so excited? I must know!" She asks a few hours into the ride.

I grin and cross my arms, leaning back in my chair.

"Well, I've always played practical jokes on the boys in my district but it gets boring playing the same jokes over and over again." I smile at her "That's why it'll be so much fun to run in the Hunger Games."

"Indeed!" Darla gasps "And can I just say that your eyes look stunning?!"

I tilt my head "My eyes?" She nods and I wink at her "My eyes are just one of the things that I've been told are stunning."

She giggles and gets up "Well, I'm going to let you talk to your mentor and then it's off to bed for you."

I jump up and take her hand to kiss the back of it. "Until we meet again" I say.

Darla sighs then blinks and quickly walks away.

When she's gone my smile drops and I exhale then look up to the ceiling. Ugh, this is exhausting! How many times had I wanted to stab something with the butter knife I had been holding? Three? Six times? If everyone in the Capitol is like Darla than I'll gladly go on a killing spree. I run my hands through my hair and pull them down to hold my neck. I coulf use a shower.

The door opened again and a man came in.

The man had naturally red hair and green eyes.

"My name is Axir" He says. "And I'm your mentor, pleasure to meet you" He holds his hand out.

I look at his hand and smirk at him "Now now, Axir. We are men, lies do not become us."

Axir's own face turns into a smile as he pulls his hand away "I see you're not one to fool."

I shrug "I know men, I've been around them my whole life." I drop my arms and walk over to the little snack bar and pluck a strawberry off of a tray. "But tell me, do all girls wear their heart on their sleeves?"

"Most that I've encountered." Axir says as he picks up a glass and fills it with juice.

"Girls are emotional I hear, is that true also?" I ask.

He nods "Yep, they seem to be more emotional as these days go on."

"Hmm, interesting." I mutter as I bite into the strawberry.

Back in my district we eat only kale and meat. This strawberry tasted like sour grass.

"So, why do you want to know so much about the girls?" Axir asks.

I shrug "I know what boys are like. Girls are the mystery. I hear everything about them and yet know nothing of them." I lean on the counter and hold my head in my hand then sigh. "It's troublesome, I know every inch of their body anatomically, but their thoughts and ways of their mind are quite puzzling. I don't know how they'll react if I shouk kill them."

"So you want to kill?" Axir asks.

I shrug "I've killed before and don't have a problem with it, but this all seems pointless." I smile at him "I'll bet you anything that they'll one day take the victors and have them clash."

Axir tilted his head in confusion "You don't seem scared at all."

A smile tugs at my lips "I've been waiting for this day!" I exclaim as I grin at the floor. "To get away from District 14 and finally make a move has always excited my mind!" my smile falls and I frown "I should go to bed, tomorrow we arrive."

I start to walk away when Axir's voice stops me. "You realize the only way to win is to get people to like you, right? You know boys but many sponsors are woman."

"That's not the only way to win." I say before glancing back at him with a smirk. "I could also just kill everyone."

Nothing Else To Lose (Hunger Games Fanfiction Male Oc)Where stories live. Discover now