Sorry Rue

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It took me a while to find Foxface. She was always moving and was very clever. I had the chance to kill her multiple times but I didn't want to.

Katniss's words continued to run rent free in my mind.

Cruel? I'm not cruel.

What's cruel is even having the hunger games. That's cruel.

"Are you following me?" a girl's voice asks.

I had sat down to rest for the first time that day and wasn't looking forward to standing.

My eyes open and I see Foxface, clutching a knife and staring at me. She didn't look like she was ready to strike but the fact that she was still holding a knife meant she would if she needed too.

I sigh and nod "In short yes."

Her eyes are intent on mine.

"Why haven't you killed me yet?" She asks.

I reach up and pull off my gas mask for the first time in a while. Fresh air floods to my face as I shake my head to flick my hair around.

"I don't want to." I answer "But you're interesting to watch."

Foxface's eyes are gazing at me and a slight blush forms on her cheeks.

"I'm interesting?" She asks.

I stand up and nod "Very." I reply "You're very cunning in the way you avoid people and hide. You have a lot of endurance too. It's surprising and a very good advantage."

She seems to get more flustered at every word.

"You were following me because I'm interesting? Is that it?" She asks.

"Dissapointed?" I ask. I "I'll admit, I don't see girls often so watching you is refreshing."


I shrug "You don't cry, you're smart, capable, all things I have yet to find in another girl."

Foxface lowers her knife.

"You don't intend to kill me than" She says.

I shake my head "No, not yet at least. I'm interested to see how well you fair out here."

She looks like she's thinking before she finally asks "Are you teamed up with Katniss and Rue?"

I pause then sigh heavily "Sorta" I grumble.

She nods kurtly. "Well, Rue had lit a fire with a lot of smoke and Katniss is trying to blow up the food Cato is storing."

My eyes widen as I understand their plan.

"They're what?!" I exclaim.

She steps back "I'm only going to help you this once! I know you could kill me easily and didn't but don't think I'm gonna help you again!"

"Where is Rue now?" I ask.

Foxface points behind me and to the sky.

I turn and see a cloud of smoke rising to the sky.

I curse then run away.

Stupid girls!

My feet are fast as I run through the forest, jumping over logs and sliding under tree branches.

If Foxface is telling the truth than right where Rue is lightning fires is where a trap is.

Katniss, how could you be so stupid?!

"Katniss!" Rue's voice screams.

My feet move faster now.

I can tell I'm getting closer when suddenly I see a flash or brown hair and a girl's body.

Nothing Else To Lose (Hunger Games Fanfiction Male Oc)Where stories live. Discover now