"Well, it's pizza... it's pretty much the same everywhere."

"I suppose, it's not like we have anything to cook with anyway."

"Shall we share a large one? Which one do you want?" Harry called, overwhelmed by the number of choices on the leaflet

Draco had only experienced pizza for the first time during his summer with Harry. It was never on the menu at Hogwarts and the meals served at Malfoy Manor were often staple British foods, meat and vegetables and so on.

One evening late in mid-August, Harry had dragged them into a tiny cheap and cheerful pizza parlour in London to escape the rain where they shared a large pizza with strawberry milkshakes and had a heated debate about the presence of pineapple as a topping. Afterwards, with painfully full stomachs and a high on sugar, they kissed in the rain, jumping in the puddles whilst holding hands. It was still one of Draco's favourite memories.

"I'll eat anything," Draco called, his head buried at the bottom of one of his boxes "But no pineapple!"

"Fine," Harry chuckled to himself

"How do we get a pizza from the leaflet? Do we have to go to the restaurant?" Draco asked

"We call this number on the bottom here, and give them our address and they'll deliver it."

"Call them?"

"Yeah, I'll use the public phone down in the lobby."

"That's so cool." Draco smiled, returning to his books. He'd spent the majority of his life away from Muggle technology and even during his time at Grimmauld Place with Harry and his Godfather, they still primarily used magic during daily life.

"I'll order it now and grab our final box of things while I'm down there," Harry said but as he reached the door he stopped, hesitating for a moment before turning back to Draco who was mindlessly flicking through a hardback

"Something wrong?" Draco asked, looking up from the page

"No," Harry shook his head and smiled "Just... I can't believe I'm here with you... I... I love you so much, Draco."

Draco felt his heart bloom, smiling back up at him "I love you too, Harry."


"Is this really all we have?" Draco asked, pointing at the remaining boxes that surrounded him whilst he sat cross-legged on their mattress, surrounded by the mound of pillows and bedding

Harry kicked the door close with his heel and carried the pizza box across to where they were sitting, balancing two cans of drink and a tub of ice cream on top

"Well, look- those three boxes are your things, your clothes and books and stuff, then this box here is my stuff"

"All of your belongings fit into one box?" Draco pointed at it, disbelieving

"Yeah," Harry shrugged "Couple of books, clothes, old school things and oh, don't forget all of our sex toys of course". He placed the food down on the floor beside the mattress and Draco's eyes lit up, realising how hungry he was

"I thought they would take up a box of their own." Draco teased

"This is it then." Harry said, plonking himself down on the mattress next to Draco, sitting back on his heels whilst pulling an extra stringy slice of cheese pizza from the box

"Harry this is nothing..."

"I know, alright? We've got the whole weekend to shop for furniture, I think we can survive one night without a proper sofa"

Drarry - Possession - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now