"I have," she nodded, giving him a beaming smile.

"Good," Harry replied, with that he stood up and began to grab each plate and cup that had been used for breakfast and took them inside. The plates were paper and quickly disposed off in the empty bin, the cups were put into the box; hopefully they'd find somewhere to clean them properly - without using their bottled water which would go pretty quickly if they had to use it to clean cookery stuff. He absently packed up the portable stove and everything else that was lying around. Picking it up Harry exited the house and put it back in the blue van. He could sense someone following him at a slow pace.

"Luna said only three wizards could use that spell, is it true?" Daryl asked, leaning against the side of the van.

"Actually she's wrong," Harry replied, unsurprised by Daryl's appearance, "I think it was more along the lines of four or five if you count me." trying to get the subject off him. Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore, Tom Riddle aka Voldemort, Hermione probably could have as well. "That's only the people back home, America understandably has a bigger population when it comes to those in Britain." if it was anything like Hogwarts then the students from Durmstrang, Beauxbaton, Ilvermorny, Mahoutokoro, Uagadou, Castelobruxo, would be safe, behind extremely complex wards, those were the only magical schools he knew the names of but there were eleven in existence all over the world. "There are eleven schools spread out all over the world, or maybe I should say was?" Harry didn't like the thought of everyone magic being dead, it was just a really horrid thought, but the people he cared most about was alive, so that's what he really cared about at the moment. Thank Merlin he hadn't gone for Hermione and Luna to take them to safety, otherwise they would have been with him from the beginning - hell he hated the fact Luna was out here in danger with him. He would have given anything for her to be within the safety of Hogwarts wards again.

Daryl opened his mouth to ask another question before abruptly snapping it shut as the others all piled out the house. Dale bringing the chair he had set up earlier with him folded under his arm.

"Don't get too comfortable, it's a very short drive to the prison, try and refrain from using your guns if you can, I really don't want to have to deal with walkers only for another herd to come at us." Harry stated just loud enough for everyone to hear him. With that everyone began to climb into the vehicles, Harry ushered Anubis into the RV giving his a head a rub before he closed the door and made his way over to Daryl's truck, within a few moments they were on the move.

"You have questions..." Harry said glancing briefly at Daryl, before looking away, not invading his privacy by reading his mind, he only did that if he had to. He didn't need to be a mind reader to see there was something on Daryl's mind, and considering his earlier questions it was obviously about magic. He hoped he hadn't ruined his friendship with the brothers, especially Daryl, who he liked more than he should. He really hoped he hadn't made them leery of him; it was the last thing he wanted.

"Why is every wizard and witch different?" Daryl asked pensively.

"I'm assuming you mean magically as in our powers?" Harry deduced what Daryl actually meant; a grunt was the only reply he got.

"You like to think of the hard questions don't you?" Harry said, propping his legs up on the dash board. "There's speculation as to why some people are more powerful than others. The four most powerful wizards in the magical world were half-bloods, giving credence to the theory." grabbing his bag he absently took two chocolate bars out and handed one to Daryl, he'd noticed he liked chocolate a lot.

"There's a few status' in the magical world, pureblood's are those who have generations of wizards on both side of their families going way back the purer the line the more smug some of them are about their lineage, they like to refer to themselves as elites although not many of them are left." Harry started explaining, unaware of the fact he was basically having the same conversation with Daryl that Luna had just yesterday with Merle. "Then there are the half-bloods, like me, I had two magical parents but my mum was a Muggle-born, the only magical child in a normal family. Half-blood also refers to a child of a magical parent and a non-magical parent. There's no denying that we're more powerful with the infusion of new blood," plopping a bit of his Hershey bar into his mouth, he chewed on it waiting on Daryl asking anything else.

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