Look alike

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"You guys are soooooo good!" Bokuto smiled. Atsumu giggled "that's so true though, you and Tobio-Kun did extremely well." He shot up clapping his hands together.

Hinata blushed a little. "Thanks, Kageyama is truly talented after all." "Shut up Boke, YOU are the talented one!" Kageyama screamed blushing like crazy.

"Sooo, are they flirting or fighting?" Atsumu asked Oikawa. "No idea, but either way it's funny" Oikawa laughed while hugging Iwaizumi from behind.

"Iwa-Chan~ piggyback ride, piggyback ride!" He started to whine. The dark haired boy just rolled his eyes. "No." He sternly said as he looked to the side. The brunet was sulking while he kept whining. Though the other kept refusing, a small smile found its way to his face.

"You're too heavy Thoru." He deadpanned. "You can carry me. Look at your muscles! You can definitely carry me." Oikawa kept saying.

"Akdgjfsetjserhklsssshi, you look tired. Want to get a piggyback ride?" Bokuto asked the exhausted male next to him. Akaashi opened his mouth to refuse when his eyes fell upon the other's arms.

His eyes went wider and he felt his cheeks burn a little. He caught himself staring at the muscled arms that belonged to his crush.

"Akvgjjzdgjkshoii? Yes or no!" Bokuto said a little impatient. "YES, yes, I would love to.." Bokuto smiled widely as he scooped the smaller male off the ground. "Wow.....arms." That is all Akaashi could get out. Bokuto wasn't holding him for a piggyback ride. No, he was holding him like a princess.

Oikawa looked at the two lovebirds in envy. "Seriously?" He mumbled. "Omi~?" Atsumu looked at Kiyoomi who was walking next to him with hopeful eyes. Kiyoomi then looked at the grocery bags in his hands. "I can't, Sunflower, sorry." He said a little disappointed. "It's okay Omi-Omi, here you can get this as compensation."

Atsumu scooted closer and placed a small kiss on his lover's cheek. "Another one?" He asked softly as he kissed Kiyoomi on the lips.

"UUUuuurggghhh, Iwaaaaa-Chaaaaaaaaan!" Oikawa screamed "What" "It's soooooooo unfair, give me a kiss!" "you won't shut up about it so, No." Atsumu frowned a little

"They used to fight like this, before we went on our trip, all the time." He whispered into Kiyoomi's ear. The other just looked at his two friends with concern. "Do you think it's a bad thing?" He then asked. "I don't know, they might just need some space." The fake blond answered.

"That is one adorable cafée," Akaashi said as Bokuto sat him down. "Who knew that a big city could have a place like this?" Iwaizumi said happily as he went to a table.

The other boys also sat down. The café was tiny with a nice spot in the sun. Everywhere you looked you could see plants and roses. "It's soooooo romantic." Oikawa smiled as he glanced at his lover, who just rolled his eyes.

"Omi, look at that pretty rose!" Atsumu said excitedly. "It's really pretty, just like you." Kiyoomi then said. The blond giggled and flicked his hair out of his face.

"Anyway Sunflower, what would you want?" Kiyoomi said in a confident voice." Atsumu thought for a second "hmmmmmm, banana split." Atsumu decided as he looked at the menu. "What for you guys?"

"Ding" Kiyoomi walked to the counter to get his order. He was in a great mood, Atsumu was everything he ever wanted. It could irritate the others 'cause the two were still into their honeymoon phase.

"What would you like?" The fox-like waiter asked in a soft tired voice.

"Well, I would like.." Kiyoomi did his order. "Oh and to top it off a banana split for my sunflower. Am I allowed to ask for extra whipped cream, he loves it. I can pay extra for it?" Kiyoomi said confidently. The other boy just looked at him unamused. "You don't need to pay extra." He said after that he mumbled "Urg couples" under his breath.

"Sunarin? Could you make me a glass of water for a second?" The chef asked as he came into Kiyooomi's view for a second. "Sure sure, mister chef." The fox boy rolled his eyes while taking a glass.

"Um sir, you're allowed to go back to your seat." The waiter said. "Oh sorry, it's just that your chef looks a lot like someone I know," Kiyoomi answered as he looked at the door where the chef had just disappeared into.

The boy frowned "How so?" He looked at Kiyoomi in thought. "Well, he looks a lot like my boyfriend, well exactly like my boyfriend. They look alike, you could even say doppelgangers. My boyfriend does have blond hair though." He said as the waiter's eyes went wide. "Well, I'll head back to my table then."

The chef came back to get his glass of water. "Rin? Is there something I can do? You look as if you saw a ghost?" He asked his boyfriend concerned.

"I'm fINe....Say Osamu, why don't YOU give this order to the people. You haven't been out at all." Suna said as he gave the other the order. "Okay...I ques?" Osamu just said.

"Omi? Is there something?" Atsumu asked Kiyoomi as the one in question had just sat down with a frowning. "Don't worry, the waiter just reacted a bit weird when I told him that the chef looked like him." Atsumu looked at the side for a quick second.

"It can't be, right?" He questioned himself. "That sounds...weird." He laughed awkwardly.

Osamu finally finished the order and went to bring it out. "Why do you want me to bring it anyway?" He asked, confused. Suna smiled uncomfortably. "I think it would be important for you." He just said.

"What are we planning on doing for the next week?" Kageyama asked. "I don't know ,Kageyama, maybe the teen prODiGy would know it." Oikawa suddenly blew up on Kageyama. The younger boy looked hurt but swallowed the tears away.

"'Kawa, Tobio didn't do anythi-" "KLING" Atsumu was interrupted by the sound of something falling.


Atsumu's eyes went wide as he looked at the gray haired boy who was standing there. "Hey, 'Samu." He awkwardly waved.

He was immediately pulled into a hug. "I was SO worried. Where were you? Since when did you get a boyfriend? Why did you run away?" He asked

The blond boy finished when he heard the last question.

"Well we've been traveling around, I got my lovely boyfriend Omi... I mean um, Kiyoomi, while traveling and well, it's a long story." He ended up saying.

Kiyoomi looked at the two confused. "Do you two know each other?" He asked.

"That's a really stupid question, we are literally identical twins." Osamu said deadpanned. Kiyoomi frowned. "Sunflower, you have a brother?" He asked.

"Yes he does. Osamu Miya, nice to meet you." Osamu said. "Miya? Like from the onigiri?" Bokuto now asked, Osamu just nodded.

Kiyoomi frowned. Did Atsumu not trust him? Why didn't he just tell him that he had a twin?

"Wait Atsu, 'run away'?" Oikawa now chimed in. "Didn't you promise that you were gonna tell your brother the truth before we left?" He asked in shock. Betrayal was clear in his voice.

"Does your brother not know why you left? You didn't tell him about your fa-" "NO I DIDN'T!" Atsumu stopped Kiyoomi from talking.

"About what? ATSUMU!" Osamu was now really worried.

Atsumu was standing while slowly walking backwards. "Just-just Leave me ALONE!" He said in a panic, running off in some random direction.

"'Tsumu!" Osamu immediately ran after him.

Kiyoomi also wanted to run after Atsumu, but he was stopped by Suna. "This is important for them. We should give them time to talk." He said calmly. It made Kiyoomi calm down and sit down.

Meanwhile Atsumu sat down on a random bench, realizing what just happened.

"This is a nightmare." he cried silently.

I'm back. Sorry for suddenly disappearing. I will start uploading each week again starting now. So, the next chapter is next week.

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