Children's play

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Three days went by, Atsumu and Oikawa started to get bored. "Why doesn't Iwa-Chan just come here?... I'm boooored." The older wined. "Jeez Thooru, I told you to wait for just two more days, we need some more money so I volunteered 'till the end of the festival!" a shout came from farther away.

The two best friends were waiting by the water while their car was parked only a few streets away. The Mayor's family let the three friends sleep in his house. Atsumu believed his name to be Komori. He had talked a little with their son Motoya, the brown-haired boy was nice and at times Atsumu thought that Motoya might be the Motto that Bokuto was talking about.

As Atsumu looked at the scenery he could see people trying to get all the food and decorations to the right places. He and Oikawa could help with it, wouldn't they?

His thoughts went to the black-haired boy from the market. 'Where was he? Was he just here for some days and went away now? Why do I even worry about it, it's not like I wanna meet him again, right?'

The young boy felt a push on his head. "Earth to Atsumu." He could hear someone say. "Yeah, sorry I wasn't listening," he looked up to see a worried Oikawa and Motoya. The two brunettes sighed. "Two of our actors for the children's play fell sick, I was wondering if you and Oikawa could take their place?" he said, a little nervous. "YES YES, I'M SOOOO BORED!" Oikawa screamed. "Of course you guys will get paid, what the pay is is still quite sure because the original actors did it for free." The fake blond looked at his friend.

"You don't need to pay us," Atsumu said, smiling at the smaller boy. "Why not?" A frown found its way on that boy's face. "It's for the children, and the originals wouldn't take pay either," he said determinedly. He could feel Iwaizumi's glare on his back. It was screaming "We need the money, why did you say that?" "NO, I insist on paying you two!" The other said back. "You know, just give us a coupon for the festival." Oikawa broke the argument. "Okay, I'll get you a card so you guys can have a free pass on every attraction. I'll get the Iwaizumi one too." With that, the brunette left to find his father.

"Thanks, Kawa, if you hadn't come between us Iwa would have killed me." that earned a laugh from his BFF. "Let's go, we finally have something to do!" the taller screamed attracting some attention from people passing. "Well, it looks like projecting your voice isn't any problem." Atsumu giggled being dragged away by a now embarrassed Oikawa.

They arrived at the practice room. "Hello, we are the replacements for the theatre," Atsumu said softly, not wanting to startle the girl who was working on the dresses. He failed however because the blond screamed a little scared. "S-Suga-san, the replacements are here." A dark-haired buff boy screamed to someone in the back.

That is when a gray-haired boy with an open sweet smile came running. "Thanks, Daichi." He said punching the boy on the shoulder. Atsumu didn't know if it was supposed to be a shoulder pat or a passive-aggressive punch. "Hi my name is Sugawara Koichi, but please call me Suga," he said smiling, giving a hand to the other two. "You guys must be the placements for Kiyoko and Tanaka right?"

Oikawa was looking for prince clothes together with Yachi, the girl Atsu startled. "So I have to play the princess?" Atsumu asked, a little surprised. "Yeah sorry, we originally had Kiyoko play that role but, do you think you can do that?" Suga said, giving him the script. "Atsumu-san, could you come here for the make-over?" Yachi asked.

Atsumu got some extensions for his hair, Yachi had some mad make-up skills making him look like an actual girl. "Say, Yachi... I'm sorry for startling you." Atsumu awkwardly said. "Oh, it's nothing. We're all just happy we got replacements so fast."

"What happened to the two other actors?" The fake blond asked, closing his eyes to make sure the brush didn't get in his eyes. "Well, they ate something wrong, I was the first one Kiyoko told." She said proudly. "Ooh, you guys are close?" The fake blond asked. "We dated in high school." She answered simply.

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