Hot springs

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"Good news guys, we can take a bath!"

All boys gathered around " That's good, you guys are lucky Kioomi found it." Iwaizumi said sternly. "Waw, we got our own hot spring!" Oikawa and Bokuto said at the same time. They weren't even listening to the buff black-haired boy.

Later that evening the group was ready to take a dip in the warm lake. Though Oikawa was comfortable with his boyfriend and Atsumu, because he was his best friend, and The blond felt okay with the couple, they were awkward and a little unsure. They decided to wear their swimming trunks.

"Say Tsum-Tsum do you think we are able to jump off that rock?" Bokuto said pointing at some rocks high up. "The rocks are way too high." Iwaizumi said before the two boys could runoff. "I agree, you are not going to jump off those." Kiyoomi crossed his arms. He had a strict look on his face.

"But..." Atsumu started but he trailed off when he met the other's eyes. "You're right." he ended up saying, a little defeated.

Kiyoomi sighed and took a look around. At first, he didn't see anything but when he looked again he found what he was looking for. "Jump off that rock, it's less dangerous." His friend's face lightened up. "We'll be careful, promise," Atsumu screamed, running off.

Oikawa smiled at the two who were running around like little kids. "Geez, they are so immature," he said calmly, earning a huff from Iwaizumi next to him. "Right, and you are soooooo responsible." "What is that supposed to mean?" Oikawa tried acting mad but failed to hide his grin.

"Just saying, you aren't the big adult you always want to be." "Iwa-Chan, you're supposed to love me. You know, I AM your BOYFRIEND." the brunet started whining.

The other held his cheeks before saying. "Oikawa Thoru, you are a big little baby sometimes," Oikawa just sulked a little. "But you are indeed my boyfriend, and I wouldn't want it any other way." Iwaizumi continued. The little frown was washed away by a big blush. Oikawa smiled warmly "I love you Iwa-Chan." They looked into each other's eyes. "I love you too." Iwaizumi simply answered.

A splash was heard and the two saw Kiyoomi being engulfed into a big splash of water. "Maybe we should go and get ourselves to safety." Iwaizumi said, handing his lover a hand.

Both boys found a way over the rocks. "Man, I should have taken some water shoes with me." Oikawa wined while trying to avoid the sharp rocks. "Jeez, here ya go drama queen." Without waiting a second Iwaizumi had lifted the brunet off the ground. "Wha-... Iwa-Chan."

The black-haired boy carried the other in a bridal position until they found a flat spot where they could sit down.

"Waw, Iwa-Chan this is awesome!" Oikawa said in awe. The sun had gone down and stars were shining brightly.

Iwaizumi looked at the other. He saw how the other's hair was softly flowing in the wind. How his eyes reflected the whole galaxy and how he was just like an angel. "This is so beautiful, right Iwa-Chan?" Oikawa whispered sweetly, still mesmerized by the view.

"Yeah," he sighed, looking at his boyfriend. It was weird, even though they had been together for so long he felt as if he had fallen in love all over again. The feeling that this should always stay the same was present in his heart. It was warm and comforting.

Oikawa looked up at his lover, who was in dreamland. "Iwa-Chan?" he asked the staring boy. He snapped out of it. "Yes? My love." He asked, a little confused. "Wish, make a wish, I saw a falling star." the brunet said sweetly.

Iwaizumi thought for a second, then he took the other's hands. "My wish is that the most perfect boy ever would always want to stay my boyfriend." Oikawa smiled warmly. "Same here."

Iwaizumi wiped a few hairs off the other face, holding his boyfriend's face gently. They looked into each other eyes, it was as if everything stopped moving. slowly they started closing the gap between each other.

Both had kissed each other a thousand times but every time it was different. They had no idea how long they had sat there because at one point they could hear a shriek behind them.

"OMI, NOooo, DON'T YOU DARE-" a splash was heard. "pfff- looked like they are having fun." Oikawa laughed. "I guess so." Iwaizumi squeezed there holding hands.

They looked at each other, eyes full of love. Oikawa giggled a little before giving the other a peck on the lips.

"Say, did you see how Kiyo-Chan looked at Tsumu?" He asked, smiling. "No? Why?" "He is falling SOOoo deep for our sweet little blond." making a big movement when he said SOOoo he made the other laugh. "Guess someone is gonna be taking your best friend away," he said teasingly.

"HEY, we don't know if Tsumu likes him back. He might as well just see him as a friend." "We're talking here about Atsumu. The hopeless romantic? He used to have crushes on whoever he met. He might have had a crush on you when you just transferred." he said, tapping the nose of his boyfriend a little.

"Nah, he used to have a crush on you. He told me all about it." Oikawa said as if he just won a battle. "Wait seriously? He once told me he liked that girl in your class. The one with the pink hair." The brunet let out a laugh. "Man, he is such a disaster, though I would be the same if I crushed on every attractive person I met." They stood up to get back to the others.

"There he is, our bi-disaster." Iwaizumi pointed out, as they could see Astumu being thrown in the water by Kiyoomi. "HAH, YOU GUYS ARE BACK," Bokuto screamed happily. "Yeah of course we are." The black-haired boy said.

"So? Did you two have fun?" The fake blond asked teasingly.

"What? We didn't do anything, you dirty-minded bastard." Oikawa huffed trying to grab the other's hair. "Well, we didn't do anything.." Iwaizumi sighed while holding his boyfriend so he wouldn't hurt the other. "But you guys seemed to have fun." He smirked at Kiyoomi who in his turn just looked confused.

"Being thrown into the water isn't fun. How do you even have such big muscles? Atsumu asked the raven-haired boy beside him. "Circus school." The other just said.

"Well, this has been a blast but we really should go to sleep now." The brunet yawed. "KAY!" Bokuto and Atsumu screamed, getting out of the water and to the tents.

When everyone was done to go to sleep they were all laying beneath the stars.

Oikawa cuddled closer to Iwaizumi. "Sweet dreams." He whispered drifting off to sleep. Iwaizumi just smiled warmly.  

Wherever the sun  shines (Sakuatsu)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora