The truth can be hard

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Atsumu sat down on a random bench, realizing what just happened.

"This is a nightmare." he cried silently.

Tension was high on the table.

"I get that it might be important for the two, but Atsu is my LOVER. I'm worried about him and I can help him." Kiyoomi said, a little bit annoyed by Suna.

"Let's just wait a little longer." The other pleaded. Everyone's attention was trapped by Osamu coming around the corner. "I lost him...I don't know where he is and I can't just suddenly leave my job." He said a little irritated with himself.

"Hey 'Samu?" Iwaizumi asked, the boy looked up at him "what." The older couged before answering. "We could take your post for some time...until you find Atsumu." He proposed. "You know, I'm quit a great cook." He fastly added.

"I'm going to help look for Atsu too." Kiyoomi chimed in, Osamu just nodded.

"Me too, I wanna search too." Oikawa came in, Iwaizui frowned. "Thoru, shouldn't you let Atsumu's brother and boyfriend search?" He asked, irritated.

"Iwa, Atsu is my best friend. I know him probably the best after Osamu...I'm not letting him weather away without looking for him." Oikawa said in a serious voice. Iwaizumi gulped at the tone, his lover was very determined and he knew it.

The three boys exchanged phone numbers and went their own way in search of Atsumu.

The blond boy was having trouble breathing. His tears fell down as he choked on them.

He suddenly felt a shoulder against his. No words were spoken, the person next to him was breathing calmly and Atsumu tried to match that breath pattern.

"Sorry for getting know." The boy next to him said. "thanks." Atsumu just said as he tried wiping his tears away. "Hey, what are friends for?"

The blond looked up and surely Oikawa was sitting next to him. "Aren't the others worried? Shouldn't you text them that you found me?" He asked, confused.

"Nah, you don't want that pressure and all that commission. Am I right?" The brunet asked as he looked at his best friend. "You know me too well." Atsumu said as he laughed slightly.

They just sat there in silence, staring at the ground.

"I should have told you guys that I didn't inform 'Samu." Atsumu said in a quiet voice. "It's not your fault. You weren't ready to tell them the truth, and that's okay." Oikawa just said as he leaned on Atsumu's shoulder, telling him that he had the blond's back.

"C-could you just text Omi? Like, not Iwa or 'Samu....just...Omi?" Atsumu asked, a little scared.

Oikawa just took out his phone and texted Kiyoomi to come and to come alone.

Soon enough, Kiyoomi came running. He hugged Atsumu close. "Sunflower, I was so worried. I was so scared something happened to you, man." He sighed. Atsumu giggled a little. "I'm fine Omi...I'm fine."

"So you didn't tell him about your father and you didn't tell me about him because you were worried?" The ravenet asked as he was getting filled in on everything that happened. Atsumu just nodded.

"Do you want to tell him, like today?" Oikawa now asked, and once again Atsumu nodded.

"I think that I'm finally ready."

"Atsumu you're okay?" Osamu asked as he came running. "I'm sorry for my reaction earlier, I was just really worried." He said as he pulled his twin in a short hug.

"'Samu, could I talk to you in private?" Atsumu asked. "Sure, let's get out of here." The other said while he started walking away.

However Atsumu couldn't move his limbs. "Oops, guess I have the old gelly legs." He tried laughing off.

His twin went to sit next to him and the two others went away so the two were able to talk alone.

"This will be hard, but it's the sad truth." Atsumu said in a sad voice, Osamu frowned.

"Dad isn't the same as he used to be...H-He is horrible, abusive, alcoholic...Aggressive." Atsumu said as he was holding his tears back.

He looked up to see his twin's shocked face. "N-no, you-you're lying... Dad's n-not all that. He can't be." Osamu stuttered as he looked at one of Atsumu's scars.

"Please tell me that this is a stupid lie?" He whispered, scared for the answer. Atsumu just looked into his twin's eyes and shook his head saying no.

"I don't believe it! I-It can't be, you're LYING." Osamu said now panicking. He started to breathe faster as he curled up.

"no no no, this isn't real. Dad is nice. This is a dream, I'll wake up and 'Tsumu is fine and happy." He started to whisper.

He went silent. Until he suddenly started sobbing, crying his heart out.

Everything in a cold silent only the sreams and sobs echoing through the streets.

Wherever the sun  shines (Sakuatsu)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن