Snowdrops and Sunflowers

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This is the chapter I've been wanting to write since the day I started this book. I hope you like it as much as I loved writing it.


Iwaizumi was a little irritated, the car had been breaking down over and over again, he had to work on the car in the bright sun, and the next town was like a mile away.


Bokuto screamed while sitting down. "Right, it was my idea." Atsumu proudly pointed out.

"We'll have to get to the south town as soon as possible." Iwaizumi said seriously.

"Geez Iwa-Chan, let's just go with the flow." Oikawa pulled his man a hug. "No, worries. Kay?" He sweetly asked. "Kay," the other whispered.

"Guys, some of us are single, you know!" Atsumu screamed. The brunet stuck out his tongue before finally sitting down.

"Did you guys see that flower yesterday?" Bokuto said excitedly. "It looked really pretty, it might have been a special, unknown flower."

"Bo-Kun it was literally just a yellow tulip." The blond shook his head.

"Speaking about flowers, what are your favorites?" Bokuto asked.

Atsumu thought for a second. "Snowdrops."

The other looked at him a bit confused.

"I love them because they are so strong. They only come out in the winter when all other flowers are asleep, it's as if they are shy. Not to mention that you can barely see them in the snow.

They are the first to awake to show us that the warmth and sun of summer are near. To give us hope."

The fake blond looked at the fire, a soft small smile on his face.

Kiyoomi's gaze was fixed on the boy. He couldn't take his eyes off the other. Atsumu's face was lit by the warm fire and in his eyes were orange lights dancing around.

The raven-haired felt as if an arrow was struck through his heart, but it didn't hurt. It was warm and soon enough he felt that warmth spread up to his face.

His eyes widened, was he blushing? Why was he blushing? It's not like he was in love, right?

"I just love them so much," Atsumu said quietly, he chuckled a little to himself. "What about you Omi-Omi? What's your favorite?" He asked, averting the attention to the love-struck boy.

"Sunflower." He simply said not taking his eyes off the blond.

his eyes widened further, he was even more surprised by what he said himself than the other boys.

Why did he say that? It's not like he ever cared about flowers, they are just pretty decorations. So how did he come to the conclusion that sunflowers are his favorite?

"Why sunflowers?" Oikawa asked.

"I don't know..." He thought for a second.

Was it because-, No that couldn't be it.

"I guess it's because of the fact that they represent the sun. They are bright and full of light. Man, this is hard to explain." He said, it was a little awkward.

The other stayed silent... Did he say something wrong?

"I thought it would be the opposite?" Bokuto was the first to speak. He got a confused face from the others.

"Don't you guys think it's funny how Tsum-Tsum, a super bright blond loves a winter flower, and how Kiyo, a pretty cold and stiff guy loves sunflowers?" he said, laughing a little.

"I guess?... Well anyway," Oikawa started speaking." "My favorite is the rose. They are the embodiment of love for others. I love them because of that."

"Or you just love them because you have no idea what the meaning of other flowers are, and you are not very original." Iwaizumi butted in, earning a soft slap from the other.

"Okay yeah, I don't know anything about flowers and just took the rose because it's cliché but I still love the flower okay." He pouted. "Can you do any better? he Iwa-Chan?" He then asked.

"Well, my favorite flower is the poppy. I don't know their actual meaning but I still love them. They are beautiful flowers. Not easy to keep because they are so fragile, easy to break apart."

Atsumu smiled. He knew why the poppy was his friend's favorite. His best friend was just as fragile as the flower, insecurity was something Oikawa battled with daily. So when Iwaizumi was talking about the flower he was actually talking about his boyfriend and their relationship.

"When you are able to get one you are the luckiest person in the world." The black-haired boy looked at the brunet who was trying to get his marshmallow out of the fire, but then his happy smile changed to a sadder one.

"But, every day the sun rises, every day you wake up, every day, you are so scared that the flower would have fallen apart." He finished.

(Fun little fact: in my native language a poppy has 'rose' in its name)

"Wow, I don't even have a favorite," Bokuto said, trying to keep the atmosphere light.

They talked for some time about just anything they could come up with. The food, the next town, even the places the three friends had encountered before meeting the other two. Kiyoomi wasn't listening though he had some things to work out in his head.

"Omi?" Atsumu called the man. "Me and Bo-Kun are going to bed, okay?" He asked, "Yeah, sure." Kiyoomi just answered. "Oikawa, Iwaizumi, is it okay if I take a quick little walk?" He asked the others who just nodded in response.

He felt at peace while walking under the stars. Not to mention how proud he was of Bokuto. His friend was always seen as a child. He was too immature and childish for most people they met. That was the whole reason why he, even though he was older than the others, was still unable to get into any university or college. Kiyoomi was happy that his friend had found people who looked further than just a little kid and cared for his friend.

Of course, they would, of course, Atsumu would. The raven-haired boy's mind drifted into thoughts about the blond. That is when it finally hit him.

"Sunflowers are my favorites because Atsumu is just like one." He felt his face grow hot. "And I love them because I am in love with Atsumu." It was silent, only the soft wind made some sound.

Kiyoomi just stood there for a moment trying to process what he just realized. "I am in love with Atsumu," he said a little louder, as red as a tomato. He was definitely panicking.

After what felt like hours he finally went back to the others. When he came there he saw that they were already fast asleep. His gaze lingered a little when he saw the fake blond, who was hugging his blanket in his sleep."

He softly stroked some of the hairs out of the other's face. "don't go, we'll stay together as brothers...promise, Samu" the other murmured in his sleep. Kiyoomi couldn't really hear it, he just smiled.

When he laid down he thought to himself 'maybe this love isn't that bad." Then he slowly fell asleep.

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