🐎 Western AU 🤠

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The world of the Wild West spans over the five fictitious states of New Autohaven, Red Forest, Backwater, New Glenvale, and West Coldwind.

The states are centered on the San Archie and Crotus Rivers and the shores of Gold Coast Lake. 

Red Forest is a mountain wilderness, with the largest settlement being the Navajo Native American reservation.

New Autohaven encompasses a sweeping valley and woody foothills that feature the cattle town of Haddonfield, the riverside Pale Rose Trading Post, and the coal town of Macmillan.

Backwater is composed of bayous and plantations and is home to the Southern town of Azarov, the village of Springwood, and the former Japanese colony of the Yamaoka Estate.

West Coldwind consists of wide plains, dense forests, and the prosperous port town of Thompson. The vast northern portion contains the mountain resort town of Ormond.

New Glenvale is an arid desert region on the border with Mexico and centered on the frontier towns of Dead Dawg and Gideon.

The regions are yours to explore.

Will you choose the path of the lawful or the chaotic?

How many people will you meet?

What troubles will you overcome?

And how will you carve your name in this world's history?

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