🐲 Wings of the Wyvern ⚔

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A knight's most sacred duty is to protect their people. To fail them would be failing yourself. However, not all who have spoken their code of honor have followed it.
One village after another, this armored assailant charges into battle and in his wake, brings death and destruction.
Fear the Teutonic Knight. For he brings corrupted power to his House.
Step forth, challenger.
Step forth into the League of the Wyvern.

~Corrupted Defender~

"I summon the spirit of the mighty Wyvern."

"Lord Drogan, son of Octavius

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"Lord Drogan, son of Octavius."

Killer Name: The Teutonic Knight (Lord Drogan von Drachen)

Age: 54

Gender: Male

Nationality: German of Roman descent

Weapon(s): Medieval Sword

"God damn you bastards!"

"God damn you bastards!"

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"You, heh... You're a speck of dust on the pages of history."

Sexuality: Demisexual

Power: For House Drachen (Lord Drogan values glory overall and those who challenge his honor will be punished dearly for it. He starts the trial with two War Banners. War Banners create map control. Once Lord Drogan places down a War Banner, a small area around it will be under his control. Survivors within the War Banner's radius will receive a 25% progress penalty, 5% sabotage speed penalty, and a 15% healing penalty. Whenever a generator is not being repaired by a survivor within the War Banner's radius will immediately and automatically regress its repair progress by 100%. Survivors can tear down War Banners.

"Taste my blade."


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