"Hurry, there are almost six more vans and they're coming here." His eyes looked over at Liam. "Liam, leave her. You won't be able to run out of here." Liam just shook his head slowly. "Liam-"

"You need to leave, all of you," Lorenzo said before he looked at Liam and then Celeste in his arms. "We'll come back for her. If they see us run out of here, they'll follow," I frowned.

"We can't..." I shook my head as I processed what was about to happen. "We can't leave her here. She..." I sucked in a breath before I turned away from her, barely being able to bear the sight anymore. "We won't be able to save her if we leave her," Alex placed his hands on my shoulders before turning me to look at him.

"She won't live, baby. There's no pulse no beating of the heart. The least we can do is come back for her body." I looked at him in disbelief.

"No, if Egon can carry Giorgio just fine, she'll come with us," Laura walked over to Liam as Alex looked back to see how much time we still had. She gently checked the pulse right by Cel's neck and then on her wrist. She sighed as she shook her head and then got a better look at the wound.

"No matter what we do, she's dead. We can't just take the bullet out and save her by sowing it. She doesn't have any blood flow practically anymore," she said before looking past the two of them and towards the vans.

"We need to go," Alex looked over at Liam. "You can carry her, right?" He didn't look at anyone but nodded.

We made our move and ran forward. Luca's men fired their guns towards us from the far but most missed.

"Turn left!" Lorenzo yelled out before Liam and I moved towards the left. the branches on the ground crushed as we ran through them and once I saw the road ahead, I swear I breathed in a calmer breath.

But not for long.

"Margo stop!" Alex yelled and before I could look back at him I stopped with Liam right beside me and only a second later realised what Alex meant by stopping me.

A bomb exploded almost ten feet away from us, forcing us to the ground. I winced as the sharp branches hit my skin, slicing some spots. I grunted as I tried to get away from the ground, shaking some of the dirt that had fallen on me away from my back.

"Are you okay?" Alex pulled me up before taking my face into his hands. He looked at me closely trying to see if I was alright. It warmed my heart but when the said heart was starting to shatter as every minute passed, the warmth couldn't register.

"I'm fine," I glanced at Liam who was now on his knees with Cel still in his hands. His hand caressed her cheek as he stared at her. She laid limb in her boyfriend's arms, her chest still, hands draped on the sides, no sign of any life inside her.

"I'll give you one choice," a loud voice shouted, making us all turn in its direction. It came from the direction that we came here from and sent chills all over my body.

The broad shoulders. The tall build. That walk.

"Fottuto pezzo di merda," I cursed loud enough for everyone to hear. Once he stepped closer, still about twenty feet away from us, a smirk formed on his lips.

"Tyler?" Lorenzo and Laura said in unison.

"Leave her or I'll bomb the place," I frowned as I stared at him.

"You... you... what?" I could barely hide my surprise.

"I have orders to follow, Margo. And I'm just trying to help you out." His eyes travelled to Liam in the back. Tyler smiled as he looked back at me. "I knew that this wouldn't work. I think all of you thought so in the back of your minds." He chuckled as he stared at us. "The Rossi and Martinelli never worked and for some reason, all of you thought differently."

King of the Empire ✓| #2 |Where stories live. Discover now