Round 227-April 17 - April 24, 2022

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COMMENTING PERIOD: Sunday, April 17 - Saturday, April 24, 2022 11:59 P.M. PDT


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COMMENT TOPIC: How has the author developed a protagonist worth investing in? If you don't feel invested in the protagonist, explain why and how this could be further improved. Min. length: 6 sentences. Please post in the last chapter of this week's assignment.

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META ANALYSIS (Each chapter, in-line comments, at least 5 per chapter):

👍 or THUMBS UP—Elaborate why you think so. (at least one time each chapter [1 MANDATORY per chapter])

or NEEDS CAFFEINE—Elaborate why you think improvement is needed. (at least one time each chapter [1 MANDATORY per chapter])

💓 or HEART RACING (feeling excitement) [OPTIONAL]

😥 or TEARS (crying or feeling very emotional) [OPTIONAL]

or HEART (love something, more than a thumbs up) [OPTIONAL]

😵 or CONFUSED (don't understand something) [OPTIONAL]

😂 or LAUGHING (made you laugh) [OPTIONAL]

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Member: Partner Partner's Book - Chapters

ENFORCER: AmericanBruja

AuthorJMColes: PictureXThisX From Ashes and Dust - Character 4 [see below for instructions]

PictureXThisX: AuthorJMColes My Guardian is a Bad Boy Dragon - 35.3, 36.1

RonSewell: JLAnderson0713 Look Beyond What You See - HIATUS

JLAnderson0713: RonSewell A Dish Served Cold - HIATUS

RichardPDX: MGHicks_Writes  The Hidden Among Us - 13, 14, 15

MGHicks_Writes: RichardPDX  Wasted in Waldport - 13, 14, 15

ENFORCER: MichaelHoliday

KillYourDarlings7: GlennDevlin The Old Man from the Stars - 12, 13, 14

GlennDevlin: KillYourDarlings7 Black Stars - 22, 23, 24

JaxonBlacc: IanReeve216 The Cres Code - 16, 17, 18

IanReeve216: JaxonBlacc Radar - 7, 8, 9

Echo4Echo: KryssaStevenson Shadowed by Moonlight - 14b, 15a, 15b

KryssaStevenson: Echo4Echo The Witches Bottle - 24, 25

ENFORCER: SapphireAlena

JPJedi: CandyAtkins The Lost Knight Vol. II The Lost World - 25, 26, 27

CandyAtkins: JPJedi Episode IX: The Legacy of the Sith - Darth irata, The endurance, darkness revealed

mystic_whisperer: akeila_agramunn Rise of the New Olympians - 44

DreamingAlexis: kgravez The Dark between Dreams - Character 2 [see below for instructions]


dilenu (meta)

Pomalo (meta)

kgravez (meta)

CharlotteMallory (meta)

KillYourDarlings7 (beta reader)

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First   chapters are extremely important. They need to set the tone and entice   the reader to read the rest of the book. Comment on the level of your   engagement throughout the chapter. Did you find yourself skimming at   times? Or were you hooked the entire way through? How was the author   able to keep you engaged and/or how did the author lose you? Min. length: 3 sentences each chapter. Please post each response in the corresponding chapter.


Was   conflict clearly established, developed and resolved after a gripping   climax? These are the works we remember. Think about the tense   confrontation ending with these four words of Darth Vader to Luke   Skywalker, "No, I am your father." The climax was gripping and the   confrontation quite satisfying. Yet sometimes, the conflict is minimally   established and resolved, lacking development. Evaluate the story's   conflict and its resolution. Min. length: 6 sentences. Please post in the last chapter of this week's assignment.


After   finishing reading a book, you will spend the following five weeks   analyzing the five major characters. (If the book does not have five   characters, please inform the moderator for the week.) Taking a   character each week (starting with the protagonist), analyze the   character and his or her arc. Identify the character's strengths and   flaws. Indicate how they have affected the outcome of the plot. Examine   the character's dialogue. Specify which chapter or chapters were the   best-written for the character. If something did not work, make sure to   point it out kindly and with at least one suggestion on how to correct   problem. Minimum length: 15 sentences. Please post the character analysis in the last chapter of the book.


Analyze   the plot structure of the book. Identify which chapters include the   following plot locations: opening exposition, primary incident, rising   action, climax, and conclusion. Not every book has a conclusion. Some   end on the climax chapter. Identify how the tension and conflict led to   the climax. If there is room for improvement in certain areas, identify   them tactfully. If not, explain the techniques the author used to   execute the plot. Minimum length: 15 sentences. Please post the plot analysis in the last chapter of the book.

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✏ When you have seen your assignment, comment on this page that you have done so.

✏ When you finish your assignment, create a new comment on this page that you have done so.

✏ Enforcers will be checking all comments for quality and tone.

✏ Questions? PM     AmericanBruja directly. Please do not leave comments about problems with your   assignment here. Please do not DM the book club account, because we   won't see it until next round. Thanks!

Wayfarer's Lamppost Book Club • Vol. 4 • 2022Where stories live. Discover now