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It was a very fine day on Friday,it really goes well for the new married couple,Eijirou Kirishima and Katsuki Bakugou."The taste was so much sweet! Where did you found it?"Kirishima the gentle,sweet,kind vampire asked to his husband while he was drinking someone blood that was place in a bottle."Th-thats actually my blood..."Bakugou answered him."Y-your blood? A-are you doing it f-for me?"He asked.Bakugou nodded.Kirishima got up from the bed then hug Bakugou."Thank you my sweet husband~"Bakugou blushed,"D-dont call me that! C-call me something else..."Kirishima giggles."Babe... Do you like the nickname?"Bakugou smiled."Really much!" Kirishima smiled and so do Bakugou."Wanna go somewhere?"Kirishima asked."In this human world?!"Kirishima nodded."Uhmm i dont think it's safe..."Kirishima smiled,"Then how about we go back to the vampire world? Because im literally didnt know what to do..."Bakugou smiled,"Of course! Just let me tell my mom first...""Kirishima nodded.After Bakugou told his mom,her mom then open the portal."Geez...You can just do it by yourself you know?!"Mitsuki shouted."I dont care..."Kirishima and Bakugou then get into the portal."Thank you mother."Kirishima thanked his mom-in-law."No problem Kiri."."So we wanted to go out so bye!"Mitsuki rolled her eyes."Whatever brat! Just have fun and if something happened call me!"Kirishima nodded with a smile on his face while he waving his hand.When they go out Bakugou and Kirishima then target the first place they will go."Lets go hunt shall we?"Kirishima eyes then got excited."Of course! I dont want to loose a chance to get someone blood plus im hungry for blood right now."Bakugou smiled."Well lets go to this place!"Bakugou showed Kirishima the map."Alright!"When they arrived they then started to hunt.


"Did you have fun yet?"Bakugou asked when Kirishima."Of course i did!"He jumped smiling."If you did,lets go home?"Kirishima smiled nodding to Bakugou.He run to Bakugou then hold his hand."Ready?"Kirishima nodded."Alright then..."When they got home,Bakugou then went upstairs to his room."Babe!!"Kirishima knocked Bakugou's room door."W-wait i'll open the door! J-just a sec!"When Bakugou open the door Kirishima then come in."What took you long?"Kirishima asked."Uhh...N-nothing i was just tired!"Bakugou said."Okay then..."Kirishima then lay down on the bed."Im tired,so please let me sleep!"Kirishima shouted at Bakugou."Alright i wont gonna bother you."He then kissed Kirishima cheek then lay down with him.

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