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When Kirishima went back home from the UA graduation,Bakugou then asked,"How's the graduation?"Kirishima smiled and said,"It sad and also happy..."Bakugou giggled and asked,"Why is that?"Kirishima sighed,"Its just...i cant meet them again..."Bakugou smiled and said,"You still have me though..."Kirishima smiled,"Of course!!".


"Babe...im bored..."Bakugou tiring hearing Kirishima said that,"Ok then...how about we go hunt some people? Im quit hungry..."Kirishima smiled and said,"Blood? Of course!!im not going to waste my chance!"Bakugou smirked looking at how his boyfriend reaction."Alright then...".When they teleport to some dark places to hunt,Kirishima then saw there was one boy with a white stripe shirt without any patient Kirishima then suddenly running towards the boy to suck his blood.Bakugou,the one that watching how his boyfriend will react when sawing one human only.When Kirishima done sucking the blood he then walk toward Bakugou to rest."So are you enjoying the blood?"Kirishima smiled then nodded."Great!!"When Bakugoua nd Kirishima was back Monoma suddenly was in Bakugou's room."Hey!! What are you doing here?!!"Bakugou shouted to his brother.When Monoma realized it was his brother he then turn back and said,"Eh?! Its nothing y-yeah! Its just mom asked me to search where is her new jacket that she have just had bought."Bakugou then walk toward him and pushed him,"Whats this?!"Bakugou suddenly take something like a ball on the bed shelf."O-oh! Thats my disco ball! I brought it here and put there first while i wanna search for mom new jacket!"Bakugou then smiled and said,"Oh ok then.Here."He then land the ball to Monoma."R-right if there was nothing else i wanna go back to my room..."Bakugou then nodded.Monoma then running out of the room but when he gonna go out he drop the ball somewhere at there.'I cant believe i did it!!!'He hopping joying when he was in his bedroom."So,i wanna ask you something..."Kirishima said."Go ahead..."Bakugou then smiled."Will you believed me after i say this?"Bakugou then said,"Depends..."Kirishima then continue talking,"Alright then..."He taking a little breath.He then tell Bakugou what happen in the car."Alright i'll try to warn him but for now i wanna ask you something too."Kirishima was just look down."Are you happy living with me?"Kirishima then look in Bakugou face."Of course!!"Bakugou smiled then said,"If your happy please tell me that you arent gonna cheat!"Kirishima giggled and said,"I promised to you my beloved boyfriend,that i wont cheat on you..."Bakugou than glad hearing that.He then hug Kirishima and so do he.


When Bakugou went downstair he found that Monoma was kissing Kirishima."Hey!!Stop it!!"Kirishima yelled.

Bakugou POVs:
I heard Kirishima was yelling at downstairs and i also saw the things that i really cant believe!! That was my own brpther was kissing my boyfriend that soon gonna be my wife(husband)!!!

Creator POVs

When Bakugou saw that,he then went downstairs quickly and shouted,"Get off of him!"Monoma and Kirishima shocked to heared that while Monoma was looking at Bakugou and letting him go slowly,he then running quickly To Bakugou."Dont cry,im here..."Bakugou trying to calm Kirishima down."Th-this is n-not l-like wh-what you see brother!!"He stuttered."What do you mean by its not like what it looks like?!!"Bakugou shouted with his rolled eyes."Whats going on here?!"They all eyes shocked when they saw Denki and one purple boy hair appered infront of them."What happened?"Denki faced clueless."Close your eyes when something happened ok babe?"Denki then just nodded."I just wanna asked whats happening here?!!"Kirishima face look clueless while Monoma and Bakugou looKng at each other with a anger face."Kirishima?"Shinsou said."Wh-who's he?..."Kirishima asked Bakugou while his was still huging him."Dont worry he is my cousin...","Alright..."Monoma eyes went shocked when he saw someone was behind Shinsou hugging him."Shinsou!! Who is that?!"Shinsou face was blured until I he realized what Monoma was talking about."My husband..."He said in a low voice.Monoma couldnt heared him he then asked him to repeat it back."his my husband!!!"Monoma went shoced to hear that."Y-you cheated..."Denki laughed and said,"Cheat?! Were married after you cheated with other woman!"Monoma then cried running upstairs."K-kaminari?..."Denki then walk infront Shinsou."Hi Kiri~"Kirishima cried when he saw his bestfriend."Dont cry?!"Bakugou suddenly saw Kirishima crying."Kiri? Why are you crying?"Denki running toward Kirishima when he started crying."Its just...","Its just?","Its just i cant believed that we met again!!"Denki hugged Kirishima and so do Kirishima."Dont worry...Im here as your bestfriend to support you all time."When they calm Kirishima down they then went to Bakugou's room to talk."By the way,why are you guys here?"Kirishima asked."Were here to visit Bakugou!"Shinsou said."Oh...whats your guys relationship with him though?"Shinsou smiled and so do Denki."Cousin."Denki said straight away with a smile."Cousin?!"Bakugou nodded then said,"Yeah cousin,but i just cant believe why do i even have a dumb cousin!"He then slap his own face."Hey!"They laughed except for Denki."You laughed too?! Y-your not supporting me babe!!!"Shinsou smiled then said,"Hahahahaha,Dont cry babe, its just so much funny how your own cousin said you are dumb."He continued laughing."Your mean!!"Shinsou giggled,"Alright, im sorry babe."Kaminari then just ignored it."Stop laughing!"Denki shouted at Bakugou."Not a chance!!"Kirishima then stand up then kiss Bakugou."Woahhh you guys realy look cute together!!"Bakugou blushed while Kirishima giggled looking at how his boyfriend react."Thanks Kaminari."Denki then smiled."So how did you make Kirishima became vampire Bakugou?"Shinsou asked with a smirked."Long story~"He winked at Kirishima."Normal but hurts a little and you know? That time he suck my blood he said,'Does it feel good?' It literally so much hurts!!!!"Bakugou and Shinsou then laughed."Thats normal darling~"Bakugou said."Still it hurt!"Kirishima rolled his eye."How about Denki?"Denki smiled,"Im natural vampire~"Kirishima face was surprised to hear that.ets change topic! When will you guys get married?~"Kirishima blushed."After my mom already planned the wedding dress."Bakugou said."Ooo really?!"Bakugou smiled nodded meaning it was true."Eeeek!! I cant wait!"Denki screaming excitedly while his boyfriend was smiling looking at him."Oh and i wanna know what happened earlier?"Shinsou asked."Oh about that...."Kirishima looking down."Dont worry i'll tell them."Kirishima smiled.Bakugou then tell them the story."He kissed you?!"Kirishima then nodded."Dont be sad its already happened atleast your safe now..."Shinsou said witha smile."B-but it could happen anytime..."Bakugou smiled than said,"Not after i tell my mom."Kirishima smiled."But how are he now liking your boyfriend? Wasnt he was already with a women?"Bakugou sighed then said,"You remembered that time when i killing some<ne in the basement?"Denki nodded."I was killing her that time because she flirt with me! Not only that she even telling me that my brother was just a toy to her."Kirishima then smiled and said,"If i was you im gonna make like that too!"They then laughed."Katsuki Bakugou!!"They heared there was someone calling Bakugou name.

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