Start from the beginning

Benazir sat up at that, her eyes searching Layla's as if trying to see traces of falseness but she is damn serious. "But you do pray and fast right?"

"Yep, just not at the right time." Layla yawned, lay her head back on the headrest in a more relaxing position to warm up her aching muscles. It's been a fucking long day. She cannot remember any day that's been longer than this, seriously.

"It's never too late to become more practicing so I hope you find your way there." Benazir advised before slowly sliding back on the bed, her back supine against the mattress and together they both fall asleep.

Benazir awoke with the sound of someone grunting in pain, she furrowed her brows in confusion then opened her eyes. Layla is there beside her with her eyes closed but she is grunting painfully, her breath coming out harshly. Perplexed, she tried waking her up just incase she's having a nightmare but Layla only clutched her lower belly then her back and back to her lower abdomen again. This indicates something Benazir was quick to catch, her stomach is paining her but she isn't waking up.

Abashed and filled with trepidation, she thought about sprinkling water on her but you never know someone's reaction to water while waking up. Some tend to become violent while the others moody and Layla is not someone she knows much about. She stood by the edge of the bed, all sleep forgotten. Her heart is palpitating within her chest, fluttering unnecessarily at the same time adrenaline shoot through her system and she started sweating. She hates being on spot and not know what to do, it's a sign of weakness.

After much thought, she ran out of her room straight to the one next door which happens to be Zayd's. He is sleeping like a log with his arms and legs wide open, he is snoring so loud that she grimaced. He started snoring after he's joined the military and his excuse is 'We go to out there protecting the country and forgetting we need to sleep too. No time for that when your life is in danger.'

She walked towards the bed and shake him hard knowing how much of a heavy sleeper he is. He didn't wake up so she made it to the bathroom and wet both her hand then come back to sprinkle it on his face. That did the trick, he blinked his eyes and raised his fists defensively, attempting to blow the person that's just woken him up thinking it was an enemy.

That is what being in the army is like. You always feel like someone is after your life with just a simple gesture and then you get into defensive mood to defend yourself and your troop from any imposing danger. They trust no one.

He blinked his eyes again to make sure he is seeing his younger sister before sitting up with a loud childish groan. He glared at her, pushing his back on the headboard as he sat up more straight to scrutinize her then he became even more discombobulated and tender at the sweat all over her forehead. His brows came together, he left the bed immediately and was by her side in seconds.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" He asked, brows deep close to his eyes and muscles tensed from strained attentiveness, pulse picking up.

There is no one Zayd loves more than anyone in the world like his younger sister. If she is distressed, he will make sure whatever it is that distresses come to past and that too with shocking briskness. She shouldn't be in any sort of discomfort when she has him, he will do anything for her and she knows that too. She can ask him to quit being a soldier and his only question will be 'why' no matter how much he loves the army.

He's spent twelve years waiting for miracle to happen and for his mother to give birth but that never happened due to some complications during his birth and the disease she's been carrying with her for years due to her stubbornness. And twelve years later, they tried implantation and it worked by Allah's will and came Benazir. That was the happiest day of his life, he couldn't remember being more happy than that day. He was allowed to name her whatever he wanted so he gave her Benazir which means peerless, incomparable and unique.

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