"You there, you're finally awake" - Skyrim

Start from the beginning

》Veta pov《

"Their wound has healed significantly, scar tissue is already forming at the edges." They have made significant progress, for a 'ooman. 

"And the others?" Bahtoh tilted his head, staring at some of the minor cuts left on their body. 

"Most of the bruising along the ribs have healed. Their muscles are relaxing and beginning to heal, still they'll be sore for a while." All together they have healed well.

On a Yautja this wound would've healed within the hour with medi-gel, but 'ooman bodies are weak and need more time to heal. Their skin is no longer inflamed, and what remains open looks healthy. The small cuts have formed scabs, and they didn't stumble while walking into the lab. However, I could see the pained expression that flashed every now and then. They were still in pain, but they held a brave face. 

"They will need to keep the salve on for a little longer, but after that they will have an impressive scar." With the outer edge of the wound healed I can almost predict the shape it will take. 

"Hold-still-hurt-Like-motherfucker" I showed the cream to Brave 'ooman, they tensed but nodded. 

They held their breath to prepare for the pain, I began. They didn't squirm as much this time, but they still held Bahtoh's arms in a vice grip. Eyes kept open whilst they glared daggers into the floor. After applying the salve we re-wrapped their torso, as they held a small piece of metal, attached to a chain of sorts. out of the way. 

》Bahtoh pov《

After we re-wrapped their torso, I placed the shirt on their head for them to redress. The clothes we gave them were way too big, meant for a giant. But the clothes were soft and warm, it also made them look even tinier. Cute even. 

"Did they eat?" Veta snapped me from my thoughts, whilst checking their vitals.

"They practically inhaled it." I chuckled. Recalling how they basically stuffed their face with the trashy food. 

"Good. Ayull says that we will be reaching the market soon, there we will grab a translator for Brave 'ooman." Veta informed me after finishing the diagnosis." He wants them to come to the market as well. There should be more clothes in the cargo bay."

"Understood, I'll see you at the market." I said while setting down Brave 'ooman. 

We were on our way to the cargo bay when the Brave 'ooman spoke up. 

"Why am I here?" They looked up at me, hands fidgeting, and pulse rising. They're nervous. 

But I'm not the right person to ask this, and Ayull would kill me if I paucked this up. They are so scared, scared of us, of me. I can't leave them hanging, that'll only make it worse. 


"You-important" their expression changed, great now they're even more confused. "Leader-explain-later"

"Ok" was all they mumbled, resuming their ogling of the ship.

Such wonder and curiosity filled those eyes. And not moments before they were constantly filled with fear, with hatred. I hope to change that, no longer should they feel the pain of betrayal, no longer should they fear us. We will train them to become a warrior, so they might destroy all that harms them. 

When we arrived in the cargo bay I released their arm to go looking for clothes. They didn't bolt like I thought they would, instead looking around the room. I could see them out of the corner of my eye, running their hands along boxes, gazing over the textures, and mumbling to themselves. 

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