Michael held his hand out for Chanel as she swam to the edge, expecting to help her out but instead he went headfirst into the water as well. Gina laughed loudly with Chanel, both girls unable to control the fits of giggles whilst Mick and Michael started to splash them with water.

Corinna walking out of the house halted their antics, her hands holding a tray full of drinks whilst she looked down at the pool with furrowed eyebrows. Setting them down on the side, she made her way over to the pool and jumped in to join in with the antics.

Laughter resonated in the back garden, the dogs swimming around carefree and unbothered by the five human beings acting like idiots. Chanel felt so happy she could cry, it was like the last few years of her life hadn't happened and it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of her shoulders.

After spending what felt like hours in the pool messing around, everyone decided it was time to go inside and get ready for Michael's party tonight. Before Chanel could even think about going to Mick's room to get ready, Gina dragged her across the hallway and into her room instead.

"I'll get your stuff, you're mine for tonight." Gina winks at the young Monegasque before disappearing to get Chanel's things.

When Gina came back her room ended up turning into a fashion show, with Chanel being shown all the dresses the oldest Schumacher sibling owned. Finally setting on a pale pink one for her friend, Chanel rummaged through all of her own things to pluck out the dresses she'd brought in the event she would go clubbing.

Gina immediately told her to wear the red one, taking away the other two and shoving them back in her suitcase without any arguments. Hair and makeup came next, and soon enough, they were all dolled up and ready to go. Corinna had joined them whilst they were doing their hair to give them an extra pair of hands, smiling at the two girls when they were finally done.

"I have to say, Chanel, you're the best looking Leclerc of the four of you." Gina beams, nudging the brunette as they walked downstairs. In the hour it took the girls to get dressed the house had started to fill with all of Michael's friends from town, a few family members and a few of Mick and Gina's childhood friends.

There was one girl in particular who immediately gave Chanel the cold shoulder, not acknowledging her presence when she walked over with Gina as the Schumacher introduced her to everyone. Swallowing the lump in her throat, Chanel excused herself from the group of girls to find Mick instead, knowing she'd feel a lot more comfortable with him.

Finding Mick wasn't as easy as intended as it seemed a lot of Michael's friends were tall, blonde and had a similar haircut to his. She was about to give up when she heard his laugh coming from outside, squeezing past a few people who were crowding the back door to get to him.

"Hey, you finally finished getting ready." Michael grinned as he saw her, watching his son turn his head to look at her. Mick's eyes had practically turned into hearts at the sight of her, the red dress possibly the most perfect thing she had ever been seen in.

"It's nice to see you again Chanel." Sebastian Vettel grins from beside Michael, his wife Hannah sitting on the other side of him. Chanel waves at him as she sits down beside Mick, crossing one of her legs over the other whilst joining the conversation they were having.

The night was now in full swing with people singing along to the music and drinking their thoughts away at the biggest bash of the year. Gina had become increasingly more upset that Chanel had left her until she reappeared with Mick by her side, giggling as the alcohol ran through her system.

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