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(Jin Pov.)

🎶We don't need permission to dance! Danananananana danananananana danananananana We don't need permission to dance yeah! Danananananana danananananana danananananana 'cause we don't need permission to dance..🎶

"Hmmm... good morning world!" I yawn I get off in my bed and start my daily routine, "Appa! breakfast is ready!" "Jin ah just leave it there I'm still taking my bath!" I heard appa upstairs "Okay Appa! I'm going to work now! Good bye! love you!" "Love you too! Be careful!" "Yes sir!" I smiles "This is going to be the best day!" I ride my bike and I arrived at work at exactly 8 o'clock my shift, "Oh jin! here's the keys" "Thank you noona!" she give a smile and pat my shoulder "Good luck for today!" "Noona wait tell baby Jacob that I want to play with him soon" "hahahaha okay Jin ah, you need to open the bakeshop" "oh sorry! goodbye noona!" we bid goodbyes to each other I sigh "Fighting!"
I'm so bored now hours passed by but there's no single costumer coming in, I put my head on the desk "I need to buy appa's medication" I heard the bell ring I immediately stand up and greet my first costumer for today, "Annyeonghaseyo! Welcome to J's bakeshop! what is your order sir?" I look at him, he is wearing a bucket hat and mask, he wears all black outfit, he didn't talk "Sir?" "Uh...I want chocolate cake" finally "Okay sir, here's your order sir, and... It's seven dollars sir" I look at him intently "uh...right" he give me his black card, oh my gosh he's so rich, I'm going to have a black card someday "here's your card sir" I smiles and he just walk away without saying thank you "this guy... he's like that because he has a black card, arrogant brat tsk..." "Are you saying something miss?" I flinch "I-I thought you already left? did you hear what I said? And I'm a man!" "But you look like a girl, and Oh yes of course, and I just came back here to tell you that your cake is the most horrible chocolate cake I ever tasted" I can tell he is smirking now "You!...hey you're a liar! how dare..." he walks away again ugh! he is obviously an arrogant, rude brat! I can tell he is young... I hope he'll trip over on something, I smirk "ow ouch! my legs, stupid chair..." I glare at the chair, "you are going to be an ash later"...

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