New Holder

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*Updated 3/5/24*

It was a new day, and Felix was determined to see Marinette. Even though he got to talk with her on the phone, seeing her will put his mind at ease. Except this time, he'll really be able to see her, especially now that he knows of her secret. He made sure he looked polished and ready for school. Slicking back his hair, rolling up the sleeves of his nice button up, and putting on his signature vest.

Adrien waited for his cousin to come to the car so they could get to school. He was eager to see Marinette again. Not being able to get rid of the feeling of her hands brushing his skin, and how beautiful she looked asleep under the moonlight.

His thoughts were interrupted by Felix finally arriving in the car. Something felt off, the energy radiating from him. Even though Felix looked like his usual self, there was this feeling of anxiousness that he could practically see. He kept spinning the ring on his finger, looking out the window like he was waiting to see something, or someone.

Pulling up to the school, Felix darted straight out of the car the moment it stopped, changing his entire mood along with his departure. 

Walking up the steps, Felix ran his hands through his hair, and tugged on his sleeves one more time, wanting to look good for when he sees her. And then, there she was. Marinette was standing in the courtyard with Alya, and she was a sight for sore eyes.

Seeing her in person after finding out her secret was a lot more than he thought it would be. Felix felt a little lightheaded, as his mind kept showing Ladybug whenever he looked over at Marinette. The thought that they were the same person, and that he was -probably- the only one that knew, felt amazing. It gave him this feeling of pride. Pride knowing that Marinette was even more spectacular than he originally thought.

Adrien, shortly after, followed Felix into the school. He dreaded the thought that Felix was probably off talking with Marinette already, but his cousin just seemed frozen by the door. His gaze was fixed, and his face flushed. When Adrien looked at what Felix was looking at, of course it was none other than Marinette. She was laughing with Alya, and that smile was contagious.

That's when Felix noticed Adrien saw him looking over at Marinette. "Take a photo, it'll last longer" Felix said, distracting his cousin, giving him the advantage to go over to her. Adrien quickly caught up, with a few winces, and the two were discretely shoving each other, trying to get the other to go away. However neither succeeded.

Now behind Marinette, Alya saw the two blonds shoving each other, so she cleared her throat in an attempt for them to stop before Marinette turned around. Thankfully they got the hint and quickly put their hands by their sides. Adrien was especially grateful, for his bruises were still very colorful, and his rib still cracked. 

Felix, now up and close next to Marinette, was screaming internally, he tried talking but nothing came out. He wasn't sure what to say, but he wanted to say something, anything at all. Adrien beat him to it saying, "Hey Marinette, I'm glad you're ok after the akuma attack. I saw you got to meet Chat Noir".

Wanting to see her reaction to his alter ego, Adrien brought that up, knowing Marinette was more likely to talk about Chat than his civilian self at the moment -for reasons still unknown to him. Instantly Marinette's face widened, thinking about the previous night.

Marinette couldn't get Chat out of her head. Partially because of their deep talk, but also because she hoped that he was doing ok. Hopefully his miraculous' healing powers would help with the pain, but Chat was in pretty bad shape. And that means he can't help with akuma attacks, so she'd need to choose someone to take his place for the time being -with a different miraculous of course.

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