Chapter Thirty-Five: Family Pt. I

Start from the beginning

(Y/n) became so entranced with how she appeared, falling even more for her with how he mentally described her; in countless ways that which he explained to himself the reasons why he loved Kate Marsh. The rings on her fingers glistened from the sunlight gleaming through the kitchen window as well as her hair which became as shiny as the purest gold coin.

His staring at her didn't go unnoticed as the strange feeling of being watched drew Kate's attention onto him. When she realised he was staring at her, a giggle escaped Kate's lips as she raised one hand to her face and gently scratched at an itch while her fiancé was entranced with her beauty radiating from the sunlight.

"You're such a cutie-pie when you look at me like that." Kate purred teasingly.

Her comment snapped (Y/n) out of his thoughts, causing his face to go red as he approached her and let her push her body against his.

"I always fancy some sweets, but you're a cinnamon roll I'd definitely like to have forever." (Y/n) teased, followed by a wink.

It was her turn to feel flustered at her lover's words. Their tea was ignored as Kate put her cup on the counter so she could focus all of her attention on (Y/n) so to also prevent any unintentional spilling of tea on each other. She gently placed her hand on his chest over his heart as she pushed her upper body against him so that her breasts squashed against his chest. One of her legs came up and wrapped around and massaged his thigh, causing him to get hard.

Her heartbeat and breathing quickened at the intimacy as well as when (Y/n) wrapped his arms around her upper body. The dirty-haired blonde woman bit her bottom lip to repress a lustful moan from escaping as she knew the danger of displaying such lust in front of her family even if she knew that they wouldn't be up for a short while.

"I love you," they confessed, heartfelt.

The two laughed softly and cut the distance between their faces by snogging to their heart's intent. It was a short but powerful kiss, one that quite literally took their breath away.

"I can't wait for us to get married." (Y/n) admitted. "Sometimes I question my sanity because thinking about how lucky I am to have you makes me wonder if I've died and gone to Heaven, or God sent an angel down to me."

"Oh (Y/n/n). You're such a romantic. Just like those romance novels I'm reading." Kate purred. "After we get married and we live in a house of our own, you wouldn't... leave me, would you? I-I'm only scared that you'll get tired of me and you'll find someone else--"

"Never! Never ever. God strike me down if I stop loving you, Kate Marsh. I will always love you, cherish you and hold you for all eternity."

"You always make me smile, (Y/n/n). You're so perfect for me - it almost seems too good to be true, like this is some sort of fantasy."

"Well, let me help you anchor you back to reality."

(Y/n) proceeded to nip his lips on her neck and started off by gently kissing her neck. When he had her right where he wanted her, succumbed to the euphoric feeling of being loved physically, (Y/n) took it up a notch and sucked on the spot he kissed and nibbled not too hard. By the time Kate realised what was going on, it was already too late as the damage had been done. She didn't resist straight away so (Y/n) gave her a chance to react properly.

"B-Baby, what did you...?" Kate mumbled as she attempted to observe the wet spot on her neck. "Oh my gosh. (Y/n)! Did you just give me a-a hickey?!"

"Calm down, honey. It'll go away - give or take a couple of days." (Y/n) responded innocently.

He twiddled with his fingers awkwardly as soon as the guilt set in. It wasn't his intention to get Kate upset but upset was a strong word to use for an angel like her. She was utterly shocked but not disappointed in him as this was quite literally the first time she had ever got a hickey and being the first situation where she would have to cover it up to hide it from her parents - both religious and strict; adamant that she not defy her 'pure soul'.

"Baby, it's probably not that bad. Just put a bit of make-up on and it'll disappear, no biggie." (Y/n) reassured her as Kate paced off upstairs to her room.

Anxiously, (Y/n) paced back and forth in the kitchen, worrying that he may have been to rough towards Kate. Insecure thoughts ran through his mind as he impatiently waited for her to return. Nearly several minutes later and Kate had reappeared downstairs. The dirty-haired blonde's hazel eyes set on her fiancé leaning against the kitchen bench with a cup of tea in his hand as he stared blankly at what was in front of him.

Seeing (Y/n) so phased out was not something Kate was unfamiliar with but after hearing the panic in his voice over something he too got worked up over did concern her. When (Y/n) saw his fiancé approach, he steadied himself and took a sip of his tea before asking whether she was alright. It was plain and obvious that he was stressed out over her stressing out but there was nothing a few kisses on the cheek and the lips couldn't solve.

"Baby? Listen, you didn't hurt me, I was just shocked when you gave me the hickey. I'm not angry with you, (Y/n)." Kate cooed as her hand brushed his freshly shaven cheek.

(Y/n) opened his mouth to speak, but when he did his voice came out hoarsely and dryly. "I swear, I never wanted to hurt you."

"Hey. Talk to me. You've never acted like this before. Why now?"

"I-I'm just getting paranoid, that's all."

There was an unusual chance in his tone that Kate picked up but chose to ignore it for the time being. Kate too her cup of tea and drank from it, tasting that there was still enough warmth in it before she drew her attention back to (Y/n).

"You've got no reason to be paranoid. Please stop being so upset. I'm starting to get scared, (Y/n)." Kate begged.

(Y/n) looked at her worryingly and wrapped his arms around her to provide the comfort she needed. What neither of them noticed was that somebody was hidden around the corner, ready to jumpscare them.

"SHAKA BRAH!!" A young girl's voice yelled as she pounced into the open with her hands out claw-like.

Kate and (Y/n) screamed, satisfying the scarer with their reactions. As it turned out, Lynn had taken it upon herself to take advantage of her invisibility and scare her sister and her future brother-in-law by scaring them when they least expected it. It worked undoubtedly, but now Lynn had to deal with the consequences with her parents.

The smile on Lynn's face was full of delight and excitement because of her successful jumpscare. Kate had buried her face in (Y/n)'s chest while he himself let out a rather loud shriek that was unmanly of him to do. In other words, he screamed like a girl. And because of this, (Y/n) and Kate were upset with her for not only scaring them but also finding delight in their getting scared.

"Alright, well played, Lynn. I give you credit for that." (Y/n) admitted half-heartedly.

"Oh my gosh, Lynn! It's too early for that. You're so mischievous." Kate scolded lightly as she thought to herself, "And I thought I was supposed to be the rebellious one."

Lynn howled with laughter. "I got you guys so good, didn't I?! You should see your faces!"

Kate clicked her tongue, rolled her eyes and shook her head at her little sister's behaviour because just as much as she wanted to get cranky at her, she just couldn't say no to the adorable smile that always brightened her day.

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