25 • Yanks in York

Start from the beginning

Sylvia nodded and when nobody else had any questions, the housekeeper gestured for everyone to follow her around the back of the house and in through the servants door.

She marched down the hallway into the servants quarters, where empty rooms were that once belonged to the male servants, now dedicated to the nurses like Millie.

Sylvia had a death grip on Millie's arm, essentially saying 'you're rooming with me,' and Millie didn't mind at all.

Once everyone had been appointed their rooms, Millie and Sylvia placed their suitcases on their beds and slowly started to unpack. The majority of the house was asleep, apart from the nurses who were already working that were on duty, tending to the injured.

"I feel like I've stepped back in time," Millie hummed out, pulling out her uniform for her duties.

"I know right," Sylvia's twangy voice chimed. "Everything here is old fashioned."

"London wasn't like this, I know we didn't see much of it but it seemed a bit more with the times."

"Just think what the future is going to be like, Mills."

Millie smiled, a little sadly. " I hope I get to see the future." She was, of course, referencing to a future with Steve, near or distant.

Sylvia chuckled. "Wouldn't that be something," she started unbuttoning her dress. "You know, I hear that Stark is working on a flying car."

"A flying car?" Millie's eyes went wide. "I feel like we just got regular cars..."

"I know, so can you imagine what things will be like in, say... the next century?"

"You mean the two-thousands?" Sylvia nodded. "I don't know, that doesn't even seem like a real time to me."

"I suppose it doesn't matter anyway, we will be far too old for anything cool then anyway."

Sylvia's words weren't supposed to make Millie sad, but they did. Millie did everything she could to not show her dampened emotions, not wanting to make her feel bad.

Millie turned around, letting Sylvia ramble on about the future while a tear squeezed out of Millie's eyes. The future seemed wondrous, yes, but also terrifying. Millie knew that even if she was still alive for 60 more years, Steve wouldn't be. Steve probably wouldn't even be alive for another 20.

"Mills?" Sylvia snapped and Millie quickly dried her eyes, turning around. "Are you listening to me?"

"Huh? Oh, sorry." Millie looked down. "I guess I'm kind of out of it tonight."

"That's fair, I only asked if you were going to sleep now?" Millie looked at the clock on the wall and simultaneously pulled out her pocket watch to adjust it.

She wanted to write out another letter to Steve, so she could have it sent out in the morning, but with less than three hours of sleep lined up, she decided against it. She'd write to him tomorrow.

"I guess so, I'm exhausted." Millie started unbutton her own dress and changing into her nightgown. "And we have a long day ahead of us."

"First day on the job. You nervous?"

Millie gulped. "Terrified. You?"

"Yeah, I'm not feeling to good about it. But we got this."

"And hopefully we will be back home soon." Millie said, pulling the pictures her mother gave her out of her bag and setting them on her night stand."

"You will be, Mills."

"And what about you?"

"Me? Well I plan on finding myself a nice British soldier to go home with."

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