Chapter 10a

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Apologies for a bit of a really short chapter but next will make up for it, anyway I think this might have turned out alright in fact. That might just be me though but I hope you will continue on till the end of this story at least. I'll always be around and happy to talk or explain things in more of a way, also if you like the cover photo of Rilessa Hale let me know? :)

I love comments or favourites, followers and subscribing. Appreciate it and Cookies!!

Please remember a bit of this is going to be OC and diverting from the original show in bits and pieces.

Lana: Thank you for sticking with me through this, I hope I make my father proud as he knew about my writing and was really surprised but happy for me. <3

Disclaimer: I most certainly do not claim to own the magnificent Teen Wolf, except Riley. I've had her original female character in my mind since I first watched Teen Wolf feels so long ago now. Thank you Jeff Davis and everyone else who helped make this series onto the tv screen. One of my favourite tv series ever.

Last thing, thank you Roseycastner77 for being my first comment and favourite on Fanfiction. I really appreciate you and the time you took to read this story. :)


In Latin: Ego te adiuvare possum, sed eos primum adiuvare debeo. Quaeso.

In English: I can help you, but I need to help them first. Please.

Chapter Ten Part A-




Voices filled my mind distorted, changing in the darkness. The tree was one with me again, I knew it because I could feel the utter sheer pulsating magic around so much stronger than even the witches. Immense heat began to fill around the darkness I had been buried in at the same moment an image of a man filled my vision, short brown hair, a strong lean chest fire illuminating around him, Wake up Rilessa. Find me. Flames broke apart the darkness. Suddenly I was coughing and my body slammed forward.

The darkness was back but not as complete bits of light from the lightning storm were scattered around but enough to illuminate people Melissa McCall, Noah Stilinski and Chris Argent all injured and tied up. Taking in everything the smell of ash filtered through my nostrils looking down ash was scattered around where I laid "Rilessa Hale. Can you hear me?" Head lifting I looked back over to the adults seeing Noah trying to hold his hand out in a calming gesture while Chris was figuring what to do if I lost control Melissa was just watching with a sad look.

"Don't be scared please, I have to reach for my wolf and shift to get you out of here." The sound of bone breaking hit everyone's ears. First I fell forward crying out at first in pain. It got easier after my tenth bone broke sending my right leg inward, the fur of my wolf broke through my skin revealing the long brown smooth coat I had as the bones realigned.

Lifting up till I stood on all four of my wolf legs I raised my head up finding everyone watching Chris this time had small dagger it was Melissa that didn't look at me like I was a complete and utter monster, going to her first slowly I tore apart the rope over her making sure I didn't hurt her "thank you. I think I remember you Rilessa, you are Vanessa Hale's daugh-" The whine tore out before I could stop it at the mention of my mother.

"Dad!" Jerking back I felt them before seeing Allison and Isaac standing at the opening of entry to this underground area. Biting into Noah and Chris's restraints I followed them to the opening just as the stairs broke apart sending all three people downward from the opening. Isaac and Erica covered Allison so she wouldn't be hurt badly from the fall. Hearing a bone or two break in the empact I was over Isaac feeling my healing power trying to cover the three to help, "Riley?!" They each shouted my name while Argent went to nick me with the dagger but missed as Allison pushed his hand away I brushed my snout into her shoulder surprising her.

Stepping back from them I sat on my hind legs, eyes closed in concentration reaching out in my mind, the elements came through being abused by the magic forcing them to her will. A whine left me till I buried my claws into the earth underneath my paws. Ego te adiuvare possum, sed eos primum adiuvare debeo. Quaeso. Feeling the shift I parted my eyelashes seeing vines interlocking with the boards of wood rebuilding into stairs to get them out, "Riley." Concentration breaking my claws withdrew from within the earth Isaac was there crouched in front of me, we were the last to get out bumping into him I made a move for the stairs touching on one when I was sure Isaac was doing the same.

Isaac moved to the others heading for the car I assumed they got here with, Chris was the first to realise I made no move he looked back at me. Turning back toward the woods stretching out around where we were held, lightning striking the earth inches from me, spurred me on. I had to help stop this.

Stop the Darach...

To Be Continued in part 2.

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