Chapter 1

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Hey folks Lana here, I know it's been a long while.... Sorry.

I know a lot of you would have heard the call Arroooo!!! Teen Wolf Movie, enough said. I think a lot of us have been waiting for this, for so long. Anyway I've been working on this because I know so many like the Rilessa Hale prologue at the start of her life. This is a sort of continuation and there will be a lot of flashbacks involved.

So what I'm thinking is one chapter a week, this short because well I really wanted to thank you all for waiting and following me for future works, as to the others I think they will continue. I lost my stories when my first computer was destroyed and the second is fiasco in itself, so I'm hoping to please some of you and the fact I really do want to continue on with my stories.

I guess this is a sign off now and hope to see you all back and reading my work again.

Also I've hit 10k views. How? Why? Thank You! Seriously I went in thinking I'd get a few but wow, love you guys for sticking around.


I definitely do not own Teen Wolf nor would I ever claim to, but I like to think I own Rilessa/Riley/Ri/Snowy/ (yeah she has a lot of nicknames) well the idea of her at least.

The bus pulled into a station, glancing up, this was my stop.

This is where my mother had talked so much about in her grimoire.

The town she had been born in.

Beacon Hills.

Shouldering on the backpack holding my meagre possessions I looked around trying to find a town instead finding abandoned houses and shops pretty quickly. A lot had changed from what my mother talked about in her black grimoire I had found.

The sudden squeal of a motorbike sounded near a building up ahead along with a scream and yells, goosebumps rippled along my skin with the shift of temperature in the air. I was about to walk along and ignore it but I couldn't when a guy was literally thrown at my feet "run." The boy with soft curly brown hair growled out at me, fangs extended as his claws and glow of golden eyes showed, a snarl had my head glancing to the left finding a male. Well two actually but they were practically mirror images. Twins.

A female was fighting off the other twin but she wasn't winning, "somnum." Flinging my hands out at the twin fighting against the dark skinned woman he fell backward hitting the ground with the loud thump, while the one to snarl at me "tacens, oblitus es nobis." He didn't even have a chance to do anything as the magic spilled from my fingertips straight for him, sending him backwards to the ground in a heap like his brother.

"You're supernatural-" I didn't know what he or the woman were about to say any longer as I closed my right fist making one last spell.

"Oblivisci me vidisti." Disappearing on them as I heard sirens I made way through the abandoned streets disappearing into the night.

This was just like my mother said about it though being filled with supernatural creatures like I was.

(If you've stuck around to the end of this, you deserve a cookie.)


See you next time and for more words, the pages will get longer. When I get the hang of things again.

BYE! :)

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