Chapter 5

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*The words used in Latin are from Google Translate. That's what I'm going with sorry it's not as accurate

Hey folks Lana here, I know it's been a long while.... Sorry.

I know a lot of you would have heard the call Arroooo!!! Teen Wolf Movie, enough said. I think a lot of us have been waiting for this, for so long. Anyway I've been working on this because I know so many like the Rilessa Hale prologue at the start of her life. This is a sort of continuation and there will be a lot of flashbacks involved.

So what I'm thinking is one chapter a week, this is short because well I really wanted to thank you all for waiting and following me for future works, as to the others I think they will continue. I lost my stories when my first computer was destroyed and the second is a fiasco in itself, so I'm hoping to please some of you and the fact I really do want to continue on with my stories.

I guess this is a sign off now and hope to see you all back and reading my work again.

Also I've hit 10k views. How? Why? Thank You! Seriously I went in thinking I'd get a few but wow, love you guys for sticking around.

I honestly forgot how much joy I got from writing again, I really hope you all enjoy this story.

Can I ask if you'll leave reviews. It helps and favourite and liking it would be great.

The time period of putting chapters up might change depending how much I write before submitting work, I want to have back up chapters for emergency cases.


I definitely do not own Teen Wolf nor would I ever claim to, but I like to think I own Rilessa/Riley/Ri/Snowy/ (yeah she has a lot of nicknames) well the idea of her at least.

Chapter Four-

Derek and 'Scott' the young werewolf had just left Peter was bringing food in from the store 'Stiles' the human was currently staring at me for a bit while Isaac was drowsy I couldn't blame him "I am definitely not going to sleep anytime soon you should get some rest Isaac," he jumped a little when I reached out and touched his hand looking at me confused, something told me he had secrets too. Like the experiments for me. "No it's-" he stopped talking when I circled my wrist and snapped my right thumb and middle finger gasping as we swapped positions.

"Translationem it's a power I developed early," I smiled before standing up my wolf was healing me from helping Isaac.

"What are you really doing here? You said you killed someone." I couldn't pretend I just didn't hear him.

"My Mom didn't know about the tests one of the elders did. I was pretty much a little rabbit in a laboratory for them, what could the hybrid take next. When she found out there was a fight, a really bad one. All I remembered was holding her dead body, at some point I had shifted and there was blood everywhere. I couldn't really remember for a while a lot of things but I found my mother's grimoire with the necklace and she had written about my Hale family. Besides I wanted to see who my mother had said would keep me safe, I didn't exactly have much when I ran away." He didn't ask another question, seeming regretful in asking me the questions and there was a lot of sorrow coming from him.

His phone began to ring as Peter walked in with boxes of food, Stiles was talking to Scott and it slowly tuned out of my mind. A grunt sounded to my right hair swinging with my head no one was there another Stop you don't have to do this! I'll pay yo- jerking as a hand touched over my left shoulder Derek stared at me with his Alpha eyes. It didn't stop the bone chilling scream tearing through making my ears bleed. Derek was talking but I couldn't hear a word that was being said. Shift.

Mom. She was right, I'd heal faster in wolf form and I needed to know what I just heard, pushing Derek from me. I felt the snap of bone falling to the ground as my bones broke rearranging to fit, it was when my back broke that clear white fur covered my arms. It wasn't long before I was standing up, vision enhancing to the point I could see tiny little dust specks on the other side of the room. "Riley?!" My hearing was slowly coming back with a ringing sound echoing Derek was standing back Alpha eyes still staring at me but on guard, he didn't trust me or even take a step towards me. I looked past him seeing three new people. It was the one in the centre who watched me in a sad way. Cora...

"Rilessa?" Glancing to the left I found Peter in front of an awakened and surprised Isaac and Stiles who just had his mouth wide open staring at me, ignoring them I felt my magic coming out in waves. Adiuva me quid factum sit. Invoking the spell I looked at Peter and Derek last before the magic seeped in blocking them all out from my mind.

So here we are back to the end of the chapter. You know what I say, y'all deserve a cookie. Hopefully we don't lose any of you all along the way but things happen. It's great to see some of you like this and shout out to the first follower nm7 you rock and hope you enjoy this.


Adiuva me quid factum sit. Help me find out what happened.

Translationem Transportation

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