Will We Make It Back

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(You guys are gonna hate me for this. Im sorry this took so long. I was grounded, but without further a do. here's the chapter.)

Dabi’s POV
It's been a while since everyone was happy. Right now everyone has a mission. Shiggy and I shared one though. Get back home to Izuku. Tiyana made a call to a few friends of hers, Hana and Kaylyen. Toga was able to get her older sister to help as well, Luzana.
Hana, 19, element control, she/they
Kaylyen- 18, shadow hunting, runes on her body for healing
Luzuana, 18, Bloodlust (controls blood from injury)

The fight was tough. Hana mused her quirk to give us cover and the high ground. The heroes wouldn’t let up even with the extra help. Toga and her sister made a strategy of eliminating the heroes quicker. Toga got some of this girl named Uraraka’s blood. She pretended to be a hero while injuring the real heroes enough to draw blood but not attention to herself. She continued to switch appearances, cutting people. The heroes couldn't trust each other anymore. The blood from the injuries was slowly getting drained by Luzuana and stored in vials on her belt. Hana took big rocks and with the help of Shiggys decaying quirk, they shaped them into shapes to throw. I made a circle of fire so as to not let any stragglers go. Tiyana kept an eye out for us teleporting objects or people as defense and offense. I would be lying if I say I wasn't scared of what would happen if we slipped up and the heroes were able to beat us. There's no way I would forgive myself if I left Izuku alone with the children. I'm sure Shiggy feels the same way. We can't let anything happen to them, which is why we have to try our hardest. No matter how much we thought we had the upper hand the heroes somehow were able to weaken us extraordinarily. Some of us like twice and Mr. Comepress weren't able to move anymore and were only capable of being the lookout while Kaylyen healed them. Unfortunately, some of us had passed out like Spinner. Kurogiri was currently with Izuku to make sure he was okay and the twins as well.

When the fight look like it was in our favor as soon as we got rid of the main problem, All Might. Bakugou and Kirishima We're fighting some of their former classmates head to head. I could tell Togo was kind of scared I mean who wouldn't be if you're a lover was at home waiting for you to come back if you come back. I also can help but want to see my brother when this was over. It was so typical of the heroes to not think about the people first. Thank goodness Spinner was able to get every civilian out of the city before this even started. Knowing the heroes, they will go straight into battle without regard for the civilians' lives. The last thing I remember seeing was a knife flying right at me. The last thing I remember hearing was shiggy telling me to move.

Shiggy’s POV
How could I let this happen? Right now Kaylyen was trying her hardest to keep Dabi stable. The knife had landed directly in his stomach. Tiyana was able to bring the hero, Momo, who was responsible for the knife in Dabi’s stomach. Kaylyen Was able to remove the sword and close the wounds, but it was hard to work in that specific spot with all the staples on Dabi’s skin. The good news was that All Might was down but that wasn't good news at all. Hana made a metal shield to protect Kaylyen. If I were, to be honest, neither one of them looks good. They look like they're ready to collapse at any moment but they are still pushing themselves. I guess in some way this fight had something to do with them as well. Heroes push them away from the same way they pushed us away. This is why we had to win this fight. for our freedom. for the ones we've lost and our family, But if I was being honest, it didn't look like we are going to win this. I had sent a word to Kurogiri to read for exactly one hour later from now. If I didn't write back before the hour was up, Kurogiri was supposed to read that note to Izuku saying that we tried but we don't think we're going to make it back. Luckily we had brought down most of the heroes only leaving a few of class 1A left. I had just released a note to Kurogiri saying we were on our way back and to make sure Izuku was okay. There are only a few of us left such as Toga, Luzuana, Hana, and myself still able to move. Everyone else was unconscious. We had taken care of every hero there was but we had no way of getting back home. Tiyana was the only one that could teleport the notes to Kurogiri, but with her unconscious, we would have to wait until she awoke to send for help. Kaylyen was on her last strand healing people without any rations to keep her healthy. Hana was manipulating some elements to make beds for everyone while they were unconscious.

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