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“Toga, can you turn into a little girl and lure the heroes out?” Tiyana asked.

“Sure” Toga said while drinking some blood and turning into a little girl.

She went up to the school then started screaming and crying for help. The heroes came out asking the girl(Toga) what was wrong. She told them a villain was attacking her parents.The heroes talked it out before out target came out and asked the little girl to show him where her house was. They started walking to a poor neighborhood before snipe asked her some questions about the villain and why they live in this kind of neighborhood. While she was answering the questions we all snuck up behind him grabbing his hand so he couldn't grab a gun. We then gagged him and covered his nose and mouth so he couldn't breath. 

Once he passed out we brought him back to the house and tied him up in the basement. We turned on the camera so we would know when he would wake up. Toga went back to her room to change back and put clothes on. We all went up to check on Dabi since he was sleeping when we last checked on him. When we saw him, he was having small talk with Izuku. We all were happy that he was getting better and that Izuku was there to cheer him up.

~Time skip brought to you by Dabi’s healing leg Izuku’s POV~

Its been a couple of months since we delt with the heroes. The heroes said I was kidnapped by the villains which was stupted. Snipe escaped which we are still mad about. Dad had to erase his memory about where our location was before he told the other heroes. And Dabi’s leg has healed completely and can walk again thanks to Tiyana. Everything has been great, shiggy and mine's relationship has grown stronger and I still steal his hoodies. But something has been on my mind and I don't know how to tell shiggy. 

I have been thinking about having kids with shiggy. I was walking to our room to talk about it as my mind was full of thoughts. What if he doesn't want kids. What if it's too early? What if he breaks up with me. What if- I was cut off by Shiggy opening the door knob and me staring blankly up at him. What's wrong Izuku? He asked me.

“Y-you know m-maybe I should ask a-another t-time” I said scared

“Izu what are you trying to ask me?” Shiggy said, making me nervous.

“I-its nothing r-really” I said trying to leave.

“You know you can ask me anything right” shiggy said pulling me into the room making me nervous.

“I-I really i-its nothing” I said trying to leave again. 

“Izu please” he asked looking hurt.

“F-fine” said in defeat.

“Now what is it” he asked

“Y-you don't have to say yes but” I took a deep breath “D-DO Y-YOU WANT TO HAVE KIDS WITH ME” I said almost too fast for him to understand.

“Izu I-I” Shiggy said shocked

“I-it's fine you don't h-have to if y-you don't want t-to” I said trying to leave but he grabbed my hand pulling me on his lap kissing me.

“Izu I would love to have kids with you but there is something I wanted to ask you and I am guessing this is the right time.

“W-what is it?” I said in confusion.

He stood me up and stood in front of me. “Izu we have known eachother since we were little kids and there is no other person I could imagine being with so” he said getting down on one knee.

“S-sh-shiggy” I said tears in my eyes

“Will you marry me Izuku Midoriya” he said, pulling out a ring and holding it out.

“Y-YES OF COURSE I WILL” I practically yelled. 

He put the ring on my finger the other in his then kissing me. We stayed like that for five minutes before breaking the kiss. “How will we tell everyone” I asked “Let's go right now” he said. 

~Time skip~

I was walking to the store to get more groceries for the house plus some thing we needed. I was passing this alleyway when someone pulled me in covering my mouth. I struggled getting tired. I was getting tired.

“Don't worry your safe know Deku”

Who do you think it is?

The waterproof cast izuku put his phone in

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The waterproof cast izuku put his phone in

The waterproof cast izuku put his phone in

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Tiyana's wings

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