4| shut up will you?

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It's been a few days since Matilda had first met the boys

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It's been a few days since Matilda had first met the boys. She fit in as if she had been friends with all of them from the beginning.

They went to the treehouse almost everyday, or walked around the town talking about random things that would pop up in the conversation.

She was worried about today since her dad freaked out on her last night. She had a slightly bruised cheek, but it wasn't anything too bad. She came up with an excuse, yet it might not be believable for some people.

Just like other mornings, Tilly was headed to the treehouse where she climbed up to see Chris.

"You're here early." She giggled, sitting down next to him.

Chris smiled at her as she basically cuddled up next to him, "yeah, I stayed here last night."

Tilly leaned her head on his shoulder, "your dad on a mean streak too?"

"Yeah." He looked over at the girl, noticing her blue and purple cheek bone, "jesus, what happened?"

She shook her head, "nothing that concerns you." She sighed and chuckled, "sorry, I'm in a bad mood today. My dad has no one else to take his anger out on anymore."

He nodded feeling saddened for the girl, "it's okay, I get it." He looked down at the girls hand, "I've been meaning to ask, what's that book you always have?"

He decided to change the subject, since she wasn't comfortable talking about her dad yet.

"It's an old diary from a girl who used to live in my house. She was our age, so it's kinda cool to read about it." She flipped through some pages.

"Hm that's cool." He watched how she continued talking about the girls life.

Chris hadn't met anyone so fascinated by so many things like how Tilly was.

"Yeah, I think I'm gonna make it my goal this summer. She might still be kicking out there somewhere in town, so I'll ask around." She told him, moving the table at the sound of a knock.

"Hey Tilly, Chris." Teddy climbed up, sitting in his spot across from the girl and Chris.

Teddy had noticed the mark on her cheek, but he didn't bring it up. She never said anything about his ear when they first met, so why wouldn't he return the favour.

"Hey Teddy." She smiled, pulling out a pack of her cancer sticks as Chris did the same with his.

They exchanged their cigarettes every time they had one like the first time they met.

"Why do you guys always do that?" Teddy asked confused.

"I don't know, tradition now." Tilly laughed, putting the lit smoke between her lips.

Eventually, Gordie had finally joined them in the treehouse. Gordie, Chris and Teddy were playing cards while Tilly played with Chris' hand too.

"Hey, how do you know a Frenchman's been in your backyard?"

"Hey, I'm french, okay." Teddy looked up at Chris, almost as a warning.

"Your garbage cans are empty and your dog's pregnant." Chris looked between Tilly and Gordie as they started laughing.

"Didn't I just say I was french?"

Tilly shook her head, looking down at the cards, "we knock."

"Shit." Teddy mumbled.



"Piss up a rope!" Gordie yelled, going back to his magasine.

"Gordie's out. Oh Gordie just bit the bag and stepped out the door!"

"Teddy, do you ever use your inside voice?" She joked, hearing the boys holding in laughs.

"My what?"

"Come on, man, deal." Chris shook his head, handing him the cards.

After waiting for Teddy to shuffle and deal, he had finally spoken, "I knock."

Tilly and Chris' eyes both darted up at the boy, "You foureyed pile of shit!" Chris shouted.

"This pile of shit has a thousand eyes!" He widened his eyes at the three who started laughing, "What? What's so funny? Come on, I've got thirty, what have you got?"

Matilda laughed, grabbing the cards from Chris, throwing them on the table, "Sixteen."

A knock was heard from below the treehouse.

Not the secret knock.

Which could really only mean two things.

"That's not the secret knock!" Tilly shook her head, knowing exactly who it was.

"I forget the secret knock, let me in!"

"Vern!" They all said in unison.

The second that latch opened, he began rambling, "Oh man, you guys are not gonna believe this. This is so boss. Oh man, wait'll you hear this, wait'll you hear this. You won't believe it. It's unbelievable. Let me catch my breath." He took a deep breath, "I ran all the way from my house."

"I ran all the way home!" The three boys sang out loud, cutting off the boy.

"Come on, guys, listen to me. Guys, come on Okay, forget it. I'll tell you nothing." Vern practically pouted.

"Alright, guys, alright. What is it, man?" Chris cut in.

"Okay, great, you won't believe this sincerely." Vern was only falling right into another trap.

"I ran all the way home!" The boys started up again, Tilly watched them like they were three idiots.

"Screw you guys!"

"Guys, shut up will you? What is it, Vern?" Tilly gave them all a look, placing her cancer stick between her lips.

"Can you guys camp out tonight? I mean if you tell your folks, we're gonna tent on my backfield?" Vern asked, sounding as if it were super important.

"I don't know, Verno. My dads been on a mean streak lately." Tilly leaned back onto the wall of the treehouse, everyone having an idea of where that bruise probably came from suddenly.

"Yeah mine too." Chris began dealing another hand.

"You got to, sincerely! You won't believe this!Can you, Gordie?" He asked.

Gordie flipped through the magazine looking bored, "Yeah, probably."

"So what are you pissin' and moaning about, Verno?" Teddy asked, looking through his cards.

"I knock." Chris cut off Vern.

Teddy's eyes widened, "What! You liar, you ain't got no pat-hand. You didn't deal yourself no pat-hand!"

"Make your draw, shitheap." He leaned in closer to him, looking back at Tilly who was laughing.

Matilda had noticed some seriousness drop in Vern as he was trying to figure out what to say.

"You guys wanna go see a dead body?"

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