3| who's the girl?

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The next morning went by quickly for the anxious girl. She was excited to see Chris again, especially since they had so much fun last night.

She told her dad that she was go on a little adventure throughout the town on her bike, so he didn't really care.

So she changed into a pair of jeans and a white tank top she cut the bottom of and set off to the same alley.

The second Tilly stepped foot onto the road, she could see Chris leaned against the brick wall, reading the back of a cigarette pack

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The second Tilly stepped foot onto the road, she could see Chris leaned against the brick wall, reading the back of a cigarette pack.

She smiled, "hey stranger."

Chris looked up at the girl with a smile, "you came."

"Well yeah, did you think I wasn't going to?" Tilly asked as they slowly walked towards wherever Chris was taking her.

He shrugged, "a little."

Chris was starting to think she wasn't coming a few moments before she arrived. He thought she was way out their league, which Chris still believes she is.

Tilly noticed they had finally made it towards the treehouse Chris was talking about last night, "wow, not too shabby."

Chris smiled at the girl, "yeah, we're up here a lot, so get used to it."

Tilly smiled back. The thought of Chris wanting her to be there with them made her get butterflies.

He climbed up the latter, doing a certain knock before entering, "hey Teddy."

Teddy didn't get a chance to say hello before Tilly started climbing up, "INTRUDER!!" He yelled, almost shutting the latch on top of her head before Chris caught it.

"Teddy! She's not an intruder, man." Chris shook head, looking down at the girl who was still shocked from the yell.

"Well she is to me! You shoulda said somethin'." Teddy lowered his finger gun.

"Teddy, this is Matilda. We call her Tilly." Chris spoke to him slowly, watching as Matilda sent him an awkward smile.


"Teddy, yeah I gathered that." She laughed with Chris.

"Chris, why did you bring this girl into our treehouse?" He narrowed his eyes at Chris.

Chris rolled his eyes, "because she's cool."

Teddy fixed his eyes on the girl, "I'll be the judge of that."

Tilly stared back, "dont be disappointed by the outcomes then, Teddy."

Teddy couldn't help, but smirk at the girl who already matched his energy, "I like her."

Chris chuckled, "good."

In a way, he didn't want the crew to like her too much. He was hoping to get to know her the best.

INTRUDER|chris chambersWhere stories live. Discover now