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It was just yesterday when I dreamed about the man whom I'll spend my forever with.

I'm so glad when the day came that I found him. Things went better when we are together. It's just that...

I really didn't expect that time came when he'll say...

"Take care of yourself now, Aeshen. It's over. Goodbye." Marcus said it and walked away from me.

The rain poured heavily, just in cue when a tear drops from my eye.

I was left dumbfounded after I hear those words from him.

Over? For me it's not! Why did you left me, Marcus?


After that incident, I immediately went to our house. I locked myself in my room and cried.

Ti amo, Marcus. Eterna.

The words that I painted on the wall of my room while crying.

Why did he left me?

I opened my computer to check any e-mails. I'm about to log out when someone sent me a message.

MrBrokenDreams: 5 To-dos to Forget Your Ex-Boyfriend

1. Pictures of him to burn.

2. Memories to be buried.

3. Focus on more important things.

4. Pray to God.

5. Find another.

Huh? Are these kind of jokes or something?

I replied to him.

PrincessAeshen: Who are you?

After a minute, he replied.

MrBrokenDreams: Let's just say that I'm your godfather to save you from the painful past.

Is he a stalker? God, I'm so beautidul if I have one.

PrincessAeshen: Stalker?

MrBroken Dreams: No, I'm not. Seriously, Aeshen. Follow my 5 to-dos to forget your past.

Okay? It's getting weird?

PrincessAeshen: I'm not joking! Who are you?

Sh*t! He logged out!

After our e-mail session, I immediately went to the bathroom. I took a bath and cleaned myself up. I go to bed and think about the 5 to-dos.

What if I'll give it a try? What if it'll help me to forget my painful past

Yes. I'll do it.

I hurriedly went to my closet and picked up our pictures together. I can't count how many pictures we had. I set a fire and I'm about to throw the pictures but something urged me to stop.

My mind says that I'm going to keep my picturesfor one week and post it to the wall of my room. And I did.

Within one week, I couldn't keep myself staring from our pictures and reminisce our happy moments. That makes me cry again. I'm sure I'll miss those cute dimples, red perfect lips, angel-like face, and deep, amber-colored eyes of him. I still love him and for me it's not over.

After one week, I removed all of his and our pictures from the walls of my room. I set a fire and throw all the pictures away. Tears dropped from my two eyes.

Goodbye, Marcus. I think you're just another picture to burn.

Author's Note: Hi! :) x Hope you enjoyed. If you love my story, why don't you share it? Also, drop by your sweetest votes and comment. :) x I'll be posting the next chapter tomorrow if I get positive results. Lovelots. :) x <3

- ApolloPrince ^^ xx

A Love That Never Dies (ENGLISH Five-shots + Epilogue)Where stories live. Discover now