Chapter 1: Speaking my mind, the beginnings

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     In a wooden house far from any signs of civilization in the middle of a barren wasteland, except for a random restaurant a couple of miles away, there sat a boy by the name of Pluto on his bed in a dark room, with fluffy black hair, semi defined muscles, and scarlet eyes. Wondering about his own life, The boy doesn't have any recollection of his memories, but instead has small fragments of them scattered throughout his mind. He doesn't know why he's there, but at least he isn't alone. The house doesn't belong to him, but it belongs to a girl that goes by the name of Amelia. As far as he knows, she's been taking care of him for a while now. This is all weird and sudden for the boy, but as of right now all he can wonder.

I don't exactly recall how I happened to be here. In this cold, spacious, dark room. I just remember running away from the bright flames, and the shrieks from indistinguishable beings. I remember the smell of smoke and the awful scent of rotting dead bodies. Screams of agony and fear; a giant blue light from the clouds almost striking me, it was all so sudden. I do however, remember my mother dying off in the distance seeing her flesh melt down into bones.

Before she left, she whispered these words into my ear, "This isn't goodbye."After that, everything went dark. I wake up in the middle of this room and here we are in present time. It's a peaceful night and the moon is full. I like to gaze at the beautiful nightsky; it makes me feel at ease. My Mother once told me that the stars align our destiny and that everything we do is for a purpose. I'm 16 and I'm still trying to figure out what is my purpose...

  Although, there is tale, a tale of the constellations. They tell your purpose, your fate, or your destiny. It's all the same, but when I gaze up at the moon, at the starry night. I see the stars align the shape of a Phoenix. The animal of rebirth, the bird that starts anew after death, a new youth, a new cycle of life. I don't really understand it, but it's pretty cool to look at I guess.

Wanna know something? I'm sure you probably don't care or anything, but I'll tell you anyways. Have you ever felt out of purpose? Or maybe you feel like you haven't done enough with your life? If the answer yes, well I've got nothing to say to you, but if your answer is no, then I guess you and I have a long road ahead of us. I know, I know it's're probably thinking "You're just a kid! You don't have to think about this!", right? But that's the thing, there really isn't much to think about. At least, not for me.

I want to do something with my life, I want to be part of something big, something that'll change...history? Ok, maybe not THAT big...or maybe that big..? I don't know, doesn't hurt to dream I guess.

A moment of silence ensues after the boy shares his himself. He sits there on his bed pondering. The dark room and the silence consumes him, making him feel drowsy, but his thoughts are what keep him awake. He turns his head to the side, seemingly looking at a darkened square with hints of lights in between its crevices. He slowly stands up and takes a few steps towards the dark square. Reaching his hand out, the boy clasps his hand on the square, he puts his finger in between the lines that show off a spec of bluish light, with a tint of white. He pulls his finger up allowing for the wooden curtain to open, revealing the moonlight, and the sky filled with stars. The boy looks up at the night, feeling a sense of calmness. The moon reflecting on his left eye, the boy looks upward, to see the constellation he spoke of earlier, the phoenix. A gentle smile forms on the boys face, he finds it calming to watch the sky, to watch the stars. It's probably his favorite hobby in a way, is it really a hobby? I guess you'd call it stargazing, so we'll call it a hobby.

A single tear falls from the boy's face, not because he's sad, but because he's tired. He yawns and stretches his arms up, he's ready to head to bed. The boy closing the wooden curtain, darkness takes over the room again. Slowly creeping his way to his bed, he doesn't make a sound. Sitting down on the mattress on the floor, the boy moves his body downwards laying himself face down on the bed. His eyes blinking as if trying to stay awake, but they slow down as the seconds come to pass. His eyesight dims, the dark becomes even darker, the boy's eyelids make contact, dozing off into deep slumber.

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