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Third Person's Pov

"Well fight me...let me know your strength comrade"childe said as he smirk at chenyu

Chenyu was taken back  to hear that,as much as he loves to fight his mother but he can't.He's not like his older brother chenyan, chenyan maybe a reserved guy like their father but he was known as a battle maniac in snezhnaya like his mother.

Chenyu can't bear fighting his mother,he once or twice fight his mother on their timeline before but he got defeated easily.

Their father told them that their mother is already strong when he's still a mortal but he become stronger after he become a adeptus.

He remember how his older brother laugh at him for that.He pouted remembering his brother's teasing he knew that his brother almost defeated their mother and even their father.

He promised himself that he will be as strong as his older brother someday but as he grow older and older he can only master 40% of his power.

There was this one time that he tried to control all of his power but he lost control and  almost destroy qingyun peak and when their parents found out about this they forbid chenyu to used his full power without a proper practice and control.

He sulk for a month that time no matter how much they coax hin,send him gifts but he didn't let himself get swayed by that.

Until that time that their parents said that the royal family of inazuma will have a visit to liyue.Thats where he really pay attention and stop sulking.

Then he met the inazuman brothers scaramouche,Ayden and Ainsley but the rest are history.

Back to the main topic

Chenyu stared at his mother like he's some kind of angry geo mitachurl that he really hates the most.

He laughs nervously "a-ah you see I still need to look for my brother and friends so i-i can't fight you sir and please excuse me"he tried to walk passed childe but childe manage to stop him by grabbing his wrist.

"Wait a damn minute comrade"he said as he smiled but chenyu knew that smiled very much,it means that  childe his mother will do something just to forced him to fight with him.

"Y-yes?"Chenyu said nervously

"I promised you after you fight me, I'll let you go or even treat you to a delicious food and expensive things,anything you want I'll buy it for you"childe said he didn't know why he said that but something in his mind keep telling him to say it to chenyu

Chenyu of course was tempted by the offer but of course he tried his best to resist but he can't help it!

Ahh!!he wants to accept it but he must resist for the sake of his pride! there's no way he'll accept such a thing,it will be a disgraced to him.He won't be easily get fooled by such tempting offer!

"Um as much as I appreciate your offer Mr childe but I politely refused.I can't accept such things from you"chenyu politely said

Childe was surprised "oh?why is that?"

Chenyu just stay silent and snatching his wrist back from childe's grasp and quickly run away.

Of course childe was surprised but quickly follow him.Now all liyue people see two person running,one is running away from the other and the second one is chasing.

"Ahhh!!stop chasing me please I'm begging you!!! Mother!!!"chenyu shouts as he keep running away from childe

Childe stop running after chenyu when he heard what chenyu call him he was shock to his core when he heard the word 'mother' he thought 'mother?why did he call me mother? Just who the fuck is he?' he's not gonna lie but he feels so much happiness when he heard chenyu call him mother

Travelers from the future (zhongli x childe)Where stories live. Discover now