You're In Love With Him, But He Has A Girlfriend. (Part 3.)

Start from the beginning

Ashton: "Are you okay yet?" He asks impatiently from the couch as you continue to snuggle into the oversized hoodie and sweatpants that he'd leant you to wear. They weren't his, he'd stolen them from Michael, but they were still just as comfortable. You took a small sip of your tea and shrugged your shoulders, touching at the wet ends of your hair. You were still a bit cold and wet, but you could deal with your position now better than you could back at the train station. "I'm better than before," You answered aloud, going back to playing with the spoon sitting in your cup as you stirred the golden liquid inside the mug that Ashton had prepared for you as soon as you got back to Michael's house. Ashton nods and moves into the kitchen, pulling out a chair and sitting beside you as he puts his fingers together and looks at you intently - as if you were some delicate frame that would break if he looked away just for a second. "Are you gonna explain yourself to me or not?" He asks again, this time his voice more impatient than before. You sigh and squeeze your eyes tightly together. What exactly did he want from you? You weren't sure how to explain yourself to him besides to say that you didn't like him and his girlfriend together because you were hurt that it wasn't you he was with, but Ashton really didn't have to press so hard to get a straight forward answer like that from you. You look at him and pout quickly before you take another long drink from your tea cup, glancing at him as you did so. "What do you want me to say to you, Ashton?" You ask with a strained voice. He shrugs his shoulders and sighs, placing his head in his hands. Of course, he would get frustrated even though he wasn't the one being interrogated. You chuckled lightly and placed your cup on the table, staring at his curly hair as he took deep breaths to calm himself down from blowing up on you like he did earlier when he first came to the train station. "Tell me what the fuck goes through that head of yours, (Y/N). You confuse the hell out of me," He replies through gritted teeth as he stares down at the plain table top, his eyes avoiding yours because he knew that if he looked at you - he would probably grow angry at the smug look written across your face. How could you stay so calm in this type of situation? Didn't you notice the strain you'd caused on not only your relationship as friends, but his relationship with Jamie? Maybe you just didn't care, and that thought itself made Ashton's blood boil to the point he thought he was going to spontaneously combust. "Why would you freak out at me for being flirty with my girlfriend? We do it all the time! How the hell can we just not act like we're in a relationship just because you're in the room? I mean, excuse me for wanting to touch her!" Ashton starts to rant, and you sigh and lean back in your kitchen chair as you let him talk and talk. You expected just this - for him to rant and say whatever he wanted as you just calmly listened, you at least owed him as much as to listen to him talk about how much you'd upset him because his girlfriend got offended by you and almost broke up with him because of your - and you quote - "Little dumbass antics." You waited until he was finished talking, and as soon as Ashton's mouth finally shut, yours intantly opened up and you were going at him just as he had been going at you a few moments ago. You spat out words you didn't even know you could say to him - but you didn't regret it one single bit. "I'm sorry I care about you, Ashton. I'm sorry I get jealous that another girl gets to touch you and give you lap dances all the goddamn time. I'm sorry that I'm your silly best friend who actually cares about you - not your money or your fame. I'm sorry, okay? Forgive me for being so goddamn annoying all the fucking time." You spat out in a minute, watching as his face softened once he realized what you basically just admitted. Ashton chuckles and looks at you with a sly smirk written across his face as he looked at you - like he was just waiting for you to say what you just did. What exactly was his game, anyway? "You should've said something to me, (Y/N) - before I met Jamie-" You cut him off with a scoff as you stand up and grab your tea mug, waltzing off down the hall. "Fucking asshole. I didn't ask for a story." You muttered under your breath as you slammed the door to Michael's bedroom, crawling under the blankets with him as you cupped your face with one hand and let out a silent groan.

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