Calum: The two of you sat in the doctor's office for what felt like years as you waited for your test results to come back. You were a bit annoyed with how slow doctor's offices were, but you were still yet patient because you were nervous for the results. That's all you'd felt since you agreed to try for a family with Calum: nervous and scared and excited and ready. You were glad that Calum was so on board with the idea of being a family and raising a child, otherwise you would be more in a panic than you currently were and you'd have no idea how to handle it as well as you were. "You know, even if the results aren't positive like we hope, I'm glad we're trying," Calum whispers to you as you continue to bounce your leg up and down in anticipation. You turn your head towards him briefly and nod your head to assure him that you'd heard what he said, but you were only partly paying attention. Your anxiety was high and you were starting to get more antsy than necessary as you waited for the doctor to come back and tell you if you'd been successful at trying for a baby. You wanted nothing more than for the doctor to come back and tell you that everything was great and you were going to be a mother in a said amount of months, but you had some weird feeling that it wasn't going to happen for you. You bit the inside of your cheeks to keep yourself calmed down enough to wait until the doctor came back in, but your nerves were running short. Calum placed one of his larger hands on your leg, trying to keep it still. "(Y/N), calm down, sweetheart. Just because you keep staring won't make them come out of the door any faster." Calum chuckled, trying to make the situation less stressful, but you were too on edge about your results to even think about cracking a smile. "But Cal, what if we don't get what we wanted? What if we don't get to say that we're creating a family and we've just wasted all this time and effort for nothing?" You turned towards him, staring intently into his dark eyes. You hoped he couldn't see the tears starting to form in the corners of your eyes, but you knew he could once he sighed and brought you into his arms, rubbing your back as soothingly as possible. "I haven't even told you the news yet, and you're already emotional!" The familiar voice of the doctor's voice pulled you and Calum away from each other. You wiped at your eyes and shrugged your shoulders, chuckling weakly along with your boyfriend as the doctor sat in front of the two of you, a grin making its way upon his face. "Well, if you two were looking to come here today and get positive results," He pauses and stares between you and Calum for a few moments. "You came here for the right reason! Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs! You're going to be parents!" The doctor cheered, showing you the papers with your test results on them. You couldn't help but yelp out as you latched onto Calum again, too happy to even think about the fact that you'd actually achieved what you wanted.

Michael: "It's been like, three weeks, (Y/N). I think it's time you open one and piss on it." He sighed with his head thrown back against the couch as his eyes stayed trained on the television screen in front of him. You sighed and shook your head, playing with your finger nails and swallowing the lump that formed in your throat. "I know it's been three weeks, Michael. What if three weeks isn't long enough?" You whispered, leaning a bit more forward so that you were actually leaning into his side. Michael chuckled lightly and shrugged his shoulders, pausing his game so that he could look at you. "I'm pretty sure the actual amount of time is like, twelve days. So I think you're good to be curious." He answered back, smirking once a blush crept upon your cheeks since you didn't know that, and you were the girl. You pushed yourself up off the couch and started walking down the hallway, grabbing out one of your pregnancy tests and opening the package. Your hands were trembling slightly and your breathing was getting heavier and louder as you took the test and waited for the results to show up. You'd taken advantage of the agreement to start a family with Michael, trying and trying for a baby as often as possible. You wanted to make him happy and you wanted to actually be part of the band family officially. You wanted to bring a child into the world with whom you believed would be a great father and into families who you knew would love and support them throughout their entire lives. You knew you'd have a lot of positive outcomes with raising a child with Michael and becoming his wife, and you wanted nothing more than to give him the wish he asked for. You pushed yourself onto the counter and watched the timer, the small hand going around the numbers as slowly as possible as your impatience grew more and more with each passing second. "Michael, can you come in here please?" You called to your boyfriend, smiling once you heard the familiar pause of his video game and the sigh escaping from his lips. You imagined him taking his time to stretch and put his controller onto the coffee table before he came and joined you in the bathroom, leaning his arm against the door of the entrance. "So, do we know yet?" He asks you excitedly, pouting once you shake your head. "Not yet. But I don't want you to be upset if it comes out negative, okay? We can still keep trying." You replied, though you weren't sure if you were talking more so to yourself or to Michael. Michael sighed and nodded his head, reluctantly agreeing to keeping himself calm when the results came, and sure enough as he opened his mouth to speak, the timer dinged and your heart plummetted to your stomach. "Jesus, it's ready." You sighed as you shakily picked up the test, quickly looking to Michael and then down to the test. A small pink plus sign shown, and your heart suddenly grew wings and flew back up to your chest as your breathing regulated itself and your smile grew so wide it almost hurt. "I'm taking it that it's positive?" Michael asks with a small smirk on his face, and all you can do is nod as he walks over and stands inbetween your legs, embracing you tightly against himself. "I love you so much," you both whispered at the same time.

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