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Chapter 29: Dissonance. 

The next few days fell into a familiar routine that settled me after what had happened in Lunar's market-square. I woke to coffee already brewed, and the Alpha Supreme sitting at the kitchen table and pouring over the daily news. The morning was a quiet, nice comfort that sometimes ended in a kiss, a hug. Something that distracted me and scattered me before the tutor rang the door-bell and Easton's rich laughter chased me into the hall.

The afternoon was either work in the town-hall, or a visit to the compound. I found comfort in Adken's existence. To know that there was someone who understand the inner workings of the Ravi and how they twisted people, broke and reformed them. It only made me feel guilty then, to be glad that someone experienced what I had.

"Supernova," Kale burst through the front door, his dark hair wind-swept and his eyes feverishly bright. Nothing had been truly said to my family on what had transpired, but Kale was a clever boy. I could see the concern on his face as he looked over me.

Without hesitation, he swept me into a tight hug. I returned it gingerly, warmth gnawing at my heart. "Hello Kale."

He leaned back. His fingers bit into my shoulders as he examined me, his smile wide but his eyes concerned. "You were gone for a little bit?"

"I'm back now."

I didn't like the way worry creased his forehead. The uncertainty in the eyes that were once like mine. "Do I need to speak to someone?"

I snorted at the thought. Kale against the Ravi – all his brotherly worry would be useless in the face of their tyranny. Kale's expression tightened for a second, hurt.

I bit down a sigh. "I didn't mean to do that. I just – the people I have a ...problem with, aren't going to be dissuaded by a 'talking-to' by my younger brother. Besides, am I not supposed to be the terrifying older sister who scares away those who bother you?"

"You're a bit late in the game for classroom bullies," Nyssa stepped through the doorway behind him. She looked beautiful, with her dark hair pinned back by jade clips. A caped red coat hung from her slender shoulders. Her darkly lined eyes swept through the foyer and she pursed her lips before looking at me. "Hi Nova."

Kale sidestepped as I smiled at her. "Hi Nyssa. Your clothes are gorgeous."

"Hmm," She brushed her hands over that blood-red coat, her expression pensive. "It cost an arm and a leg, but it was worth it. Looking well is a must. Even in our own houses."

Kale rolled his eyes, but I didn't miss Nyssa's sweep over my outfit. Orange and purple flared pants that belonged to an era long dead; a warm pale green-knitted jumper that was stretched thin but had been loved well by an older owner. My jaw set. "I suppose that's a rule in your home. But in my house, anything goes."

"Where is the Alpha?"

"Easton ran into town." I turned on my heel, towards the kitchen. "Do ye want some tea?"

"When is he coming back?" Nyssa followed me in.

"You know, I didn't realize you were Easton's keeper, Nova?" Lux, who had been sitting in the kitchen, looked up from mishap that resembled pancakes.

Nyssa's eyes flashed. "You live here. Surely you'd know how long he is supposed to be gone."

"What's the problem, Nys?" Kale opened the fridge, peering inside. "Oh. Fresh strawberries! Can I have some."

"Eat away."

Lux and Nyssa just stared at each other, eyes unshifting. Unsettled by the darkness on Lux's face, I set about making tea and found myself spilling into an un-necessary conversation, talking about my tutoring and my new attempts to pick up old skills on the piano.

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