24 - A Sense of Betrayal

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I sit on the floor next to our table while Iroh cooks something on our new stove. Eventually, Zuko emerges from the bedroom and joins us.

"What's that smell?" He questions.

"It's jook. I'm sure you wouldn't like it." Iroh replies, moving out of the way for the prince. Zuko leans over the pot and smells the cooking jook, "Actually, it smells delicious. I'd love a bowl," Zuko holds up a bowl for Iroh to fill.

"Now that your fever is gone, you seem different somehow." Iroh points out while he puts a large spoonful of jook in two bowls.

"It's a new day. We've got a new apartment, new furniture, and today's the grand opening of your new tea shop." Zuko carries the bowls over to the table and hands me one. I nod curtly as thanks, "Things are looking up, Uncle." Iroh's expression which had been one of shock, changes to a smile.

I put a spoonful of jook into my mouth, "It's very good, Iroh," I say with my mouth full. Zuko chuckles at me which makes my face heat up faintly.


We approach the Jasmine Dragon and I can't contain my excitement. It may not be my shop but I'm very excited for Iroh to finally have the tea shop of his dreams. I pull Zuko by the wrist and I can hear Iroh laughing at me.

"It's the perfect tea shop!" I exclaim, raising my hand that is not entwined with Zuko's.

"I'm glad you like it" Iroh responds to my compliment.

The tea shop now floods with people. I stand next to Zuko and Iroh at the back, observing all the people with smiles on our faces.

"Who thought when we came to this city as refugees, that I'd end up owning my own tea shop? Follow your passion, Zuko, and life will reward you." Iroh informs.

"Congratulations, Uncle."

"I am very thankful."

"You deserve it. The Jasmine Dragon will be the best tea shop in the city." Zuko compliments.

Iroh corrects Zuko, "No. I'm thankful because you decided to share this special day with me. It means more than you know." Iroh smiles before the two share an embrace. I stand awkwardly to the side.

"You too, Li." Zuko grabs me and pulls me into the hug as well.

"Now let's make these people some tea!" Zuko says happily running off to the back kitchen. Iroh pats me on the back pushing me in the same direction as Zuko, "Yes, let's make some tea!"

The tea shop is bustling with action. I'm running to and fro with teacups balancing on trays. At a down moment, I lean against the front counter when I see a girl standing at the front door. Katara? She looks in but her face soon turns to one of horror. I look around the shop before realizing that she is worried about the fact that Iroh and Zuko are in Ba Sing Se. She runs away from the door. I speed past people trying not to knock anything over.

By the time I get to the front door not even a silhouette of Katara is visible. I sigh and head back into the shop. If she tells anyone about us we could be in deep trouble.

"Li! I need some help over here!" Zuko calls me over and I run right back into action. Grabbing teacups and sliding them along tables to patient customers.


I yawn, stretching my body to its full extension. The tea shop has closed and I can finally get a chance to breathe. Zuko sweeps the floor and I wipe down the tables with a wet cloth. A man walks in holding a letter, he hands it to Iroh, "A message from the Royal Palace," The man slips away.

Iroh opens the scroll, "I... I can't believe it!" A smile spreads onto his face.

"What is it, Uncle?" Zuko asks, approaching his uncle. I move closer as well to see the letter with my own eyes.

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