Chapter 25💜

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{Kook Building}

Jimin: Hey Jungkook I was wondering if you could figure out what's up with the two girls that's supposed to be coming back, I got the contact waiting for them.

Jungkook: I told them to come-

" Generous walks in"

Generous: Hello sir, Your assistant let me in. Umm my mom canceled on the appointment i'm so sorry, She said she's busy with my little sister Yumkkeo. I was told to come and relay the message to you so you won't think she stood you guys up!

Jimin: You look so beautiful, And I love your name. Have you ever thought of modeling?

Generous: Aww thank you, I haven't. No I'm a entrepreneur, I do nails and sale them!

Jimin: We'll if anything here's my card!

Generous: Thanks-

Jungkook: Sweetheart can you just wait outside for me real quick...

Generous: Okay?

Jungkook: So what are we gonna do with the two girls? The mother can't come, What's up with that? I have a meeting about them in the next 1 hour with You guys, Normani, Nia, and others. Like what's up with that?

Jimin: We'll just tell her to come after or the deal is off. Okay?

Jungkook: Fine!

"Jimin talks to Generous"

Jimin: Okay deal?

Generous: Deal!!

Generous walks back to her car and drives home, She relays the message to her mother and tells her about what Jimin said and how they would like to see the girls and her for the meeting.

Hennessy declined and said she wouldn't be going, She came up with an idea to go with a backup. She called her niece "Iris" to come and help her, She came right over to the house and went to Hennessy's aid.

Iris: 27

Hennessy: My baby! I haven't seen you and so long, I swear it's like y'all growing up so fast! You was just 15! How you been?

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Hennessy: My baby! I haven't seen you and so long, I swear it's like y'all growing up so fast! You was just 15! How you been?

Iris: I'm good Auntie! I came over as soon as possible, I was coming to pick up Genesis so we can hang and get matching tattoos. But then you called, What's up?

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