Another Assignment 24

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(A/N: The dress Natasha is wearing is the one in the picture.)

"It sounds simple enough. When do we leave?" Natasha asks, closing the folder by her side. Maria is shocked she expected some type of reaction of someone from her past. "Oh, you leave in 3 hours. Make sure you are dressed classy." Maria gives a nod and leaves.

Everyone goes to their rooms to get dressed quickly so that they make it on time. They all meet back in the lounge room an hour later. Steve and Bucky are dressed in black suits, the only different is that Steve's button up shirt is  white with a gray and blue striped tie, while Bucky's suit was all black. He was wearing a glove on his left hand that made his hand look like flesh. Natasha was wearing a crimson deep neck dress with a slit that shows her left leg thigh and down, the dress was flowy, so it wouldn't cause any restrictions should she find herself having to fight someone. Her hair was curled showering over her shoulders down her back. Olive was wearing a navy blue knee high dress, with lace sleeves. Her hair was put into a neat slicked back bun. Samantha was wearing a light pink off the shoulder layered dress, that reached her ankles. Her hair was in a fishtail that went over her right shoulder.

 "Luckily it isn't that far, and during the ride Maria will be working on making our invitations look authentic enough to get in." Steve informs them as he leads them to the quinjet that was waiting outside. As they pile in they strap in as the quinjet sets off into the sky. Natasha unstraps from the her seat when the quinjet is in the sky she walks to the compartment labeled Romanoff and opens it. "I was waiting until we got onto the quinjet for me to strap up." she grabs her holster and goes to strap in on her thigh that is covered by the dress. She puts a couple stingers in her purse. She goes to reach for another weapon when Steve speaks up. "Natasha, I'm going to let you know that you won't need anything more than what you got already." Knowing she needed to be told when enough weapons were enough or she wouldn't stop until she was armed to the teeth. Bucky laughs at Natasha's sadden expression, and when she glares at him he stops and looks the other way.

"So how long should this take us tonight?" Olive asks. Maria gets up and hands them their new invitations with different names on them. "It should be a simple one depending on how well you guys work together."




They arrive at the entrance for the ceremony handing their invitations to the bouncer, who after scanning them carefully let them in. "Well guys the simple part is over. Let's try to get this done quickly." Steve says as they all go their separate ways. Olive and Samantha head to the second floor grabbing a glass of champagne and began to talk casually by the railing to blend in as the scan the area. Bucky goes with Steve to the table closer to the stage, grabbing a plate and adding food on it. While Natasha went to the bar and sits down ordering herself a scotch in the process. She turns her head to speak on comms discreetly, "Anyone has eyes on Angelo Madden?" It's quiet and until some guy dressed in a dark blue tuxedo sits next to her at the bar. "Hello little lady, mind some company?" As he was speaking Natasha almost misses Olives reply of negative on having eyes on Angelo yet. Natasha downs the rest of her scotch ignoring the man next to her. The smile on his face deflates a little bit before getting confidence to try and talk to her again. "So are you here alone?" Natasha orders a refill on her scotch and when her glass is filled up she turns to the guy. "I'm not alone now if you'll excuse me please?" She points to her glass with her left hand hoping the man's eyes would catch sight of the ring and leave her alone as she just wanted to drink a little before things escalated any further during the mission. The guy holds up his hands in surrender, "Sorry, sure I'll leave you alone."

He still sits there but he no longer tries anything and when it looks like he was about to leave a woman comes throwing herself on him, wrapping her arms around his shoulder. "Oh there you are Gerald. I was looking all over for you honey." Natasha perks up at the nickname the lady uses to address this 'Gerald' guy.

'Scumbag, he's not doing so good at the whole fidelity thing.'

Gerald then looks at Natasha with a grin wrapping his arms around the woman as if he was trying to make Natasha jealous or show what she was 'missing'.  "Oh Lily, I was here the whole time darling." He leans forward and places his lips on hers. When they separate Natasha is gone with the wind. She managed to escape their pda and head to where Steve and Bucky were.

"Hey Nat, heard pretty much everything on the comms." Steve teases her and Natasha just groans flipping her hair off her shoulder to her back dramatically. "Well...can't really blame him for trying. But it was annoying." And just as Bucky was going to make a comment on her claim Samantha's voice is heard that she had eyes on Angelo and was approaching him in private, while Olive stayed nearby just in case. 

'This is so going to get Bucky to like me I just know it.' Samantha puts her champagne glass on a table as she gets closer to Angelo. She puts on a flirty smile and starts to twirl her hair with her finger. "Hello Mr. Madden, I was wondering if I can had a moment alone with you." She whispers the last part as her breath ghosts over his ear. She plays with his black tie giving a wink to convince him to get them alone. "You guys go ahead, I'm just going to have a talk with this young lady." Angelo smiles at Samantha wrapping his right arm around her waist, Samantha throws and wink in Olives direction as he begins to guide her to a room in the back, that had a big desk and a couple book shelves. He locks the door when they enter.

'Must be his study.'

Angelo walks to the front of his desk and turns to face Samantha as he leans back onto the desk. "What can I help you with sweetheart?" She wraps her arms around his neck and pulls his face an inch from hers. "I've been watching you since I arrives sir, and I can't help but find you very attractive. I was wondering if I can accompany you-" she stops talking and hits him on the neck causing him to be unconscious. "Okay guys you can come in." Samantha says through the comms, as she goes to unlock the door. Not too long after the other 3 comes into the room. "Just had to take care of the 2 security guards that were standing on the other side of the door." Olive informs Samantha. "Next time let us know what you're doing beforehand." Natasha tells her as Steve and Bucky goes to pick up Mr. Madden and seat him in a chair they pulled to the middle of the room.

They all stand around the chair and Olive slaps Mr. Madden to wake him up. Her action causing them to all look at her. "What? We needed him awake." She shrugs her shoulders as she receives a thumbs up from Nat and Bucky. He groans as his eyes start to clear up and take in the moment. "What-who are you guys?" Mr. Madden eyes stop on Steve. "Wait you're-you're were Captain America." Madden's scared look is replaced with a sudden calm and smug expression. "So what could I have possibly done to have the Avengers come knocking on my door?" 

Bucky rolls his eyes, stepping forward with a sigh. "We were told you know the whereabouts of Ivan. So...tell us now." Bucky fists his left hand to make sure Madden knew he was serious. That smug and calm look was quickly replaced with worry.

"I-I don't quiet frankly know what you're talking about." He says, closing his eyes and turning his face to the other direction. "Oh but you do. Your were the last one he was to have made contact with a few months ago. So you can tell us know Madden, or we will force it out of you. I'm pretty sure you know what we're capable of." Natasha warns gaining looks from Steve and Bucky when she finishes. 

(A/N: Hope you enjoy it's a lot longer.)

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