What Now? 2

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3 Weeks Later:

Natasha has been keeping herself busy in order not to ignore the want to arm into Bucky's arms and kiss him. She recently had arrived in Madripoor to stay with Sharon for the time being.

"Hey Nat, just heard that Sam and Bucky have been causing a scene in the Low Town. And they have a very colorful friend with them, want to come with?" Sharon pulls her hoodie over her head where Natasha catches sight of her guns on her holster.

Natasha waves her off, "Nah I'm good, just bring them back in one piece...okay?" She hears Sharon's laugh drift away as she disappears.

'Ah, boys what are you up to now?'

By the time Sharon gets back with company Natasha is in the dining room eating a ham sandwich. "Hey guys-" Natasha is cut off my Sam questioning her presence in Madripoor.

"Nat what are you doing here in Madripoor?"

Natasha just shrugs before taking another bite. Bucky takes a look around before taking a seat on the couch. "So are you going to let us in on why you are in Madripoor, and also with a wanted Zemo?" Natasha asks raising her eyebrows while pointing at Zemo.

"We needed Zemo's help with finding out more about the super soldier serum." Sam replies while making his way across the room and stealing an apple.

Natasha breathe hitches when she heard him mentioning super soldier serum being out again.

"Wait, so you mean to tell us that serum is back? How?" Natasha asks.

Sam then explains that they aren't really sure, they don't have all the pieces to the puzzle.

"So how is the new Cap?" Sharon asks with a smirk taking a seat next to Bucky, who groans

"Don't even get me started." He rolls his eyes showing his annoyance at the conversation bringing up John Walker.

"Please you buy into all that stars and stripes bullshit, before you were his pet psychopath you were Mr. America, Cap's best friend." She looks at Natasha with a smirk, as she insults Bucky.

Natasha lets out a chuckle at her statement while Bucky replies, "Wow, she's kind of awful now."

He points at Nat before speaking again. "And you find this funny, huh?"

After rolling her eyes and shrugging, "She's not wrong though is she James."

"I'm hosting a party with some well known people in the area, so you're welcome to join and mingle while keeping a low profile. Maybe you can find out something from someone."

As Sharon, Zemo, and Sam head downstairs to the party Natasha pulls Bucky away to talk to him.

"Hey, I just want to ask if you're doing okay, I mean you seem a little quiet." She rests her hand on his shoulder.

He gives a smile before pulling her into a hug, and then quickly pulling away. "Oh, I'm sorry. I just- I mean thank you for asking and I'm okay."

Silence consumes them as they stare into each other's eyes.

'I can't help but feeling so close to her, and we only met a few times as Bucky and not the Winter Soldier'

Natasha clears her throat as she backs up, she notices the hurt look written on his face.

"Well, you better get to the party." She gestures the door, while going upstairs which Bucky guesses to be her room.
She stops halfway up the stairs and glances at him as he exits the room.

"What the hell was that Natasha?!"

2 Weeks Later:

Natasha is watching the news about Sam(the new Captain America) and Sergeant Barnes helping defeat the Flag Smashers. She holds a proud smile while looking at the screen.

Just then her phone begins to ring, she places the remote on the table to see who it is. She decides to answer seeing as its Sam who is calling.

"Hey Nat, I'm guessing you watch the news so I don't need to feel you in." Natasha gives a small nod before he continues when he doesn't hear any objections; with this next statement or question. "So I'm calling to ask if you wanted to come to my house we're having a family dinner."

Natasha's eyes crinkle as a smile makes it to her face. "Sure Sam, what time should I be there?"

"6:30 pm, and bring chips and dip too, please." He says before hanging up.

Natasha lets out a chuckle at that. 'I guess I'll be stopping at the store first before getting ready.'





Bucky walks into the store to get napkins and ice cream, for the dinner with the Wilsons. Just as he turns to the next aisle that has napkins he notices a certain long red wavy haired woman holding chips.


She turns when she hears her name being called and raised her eyebrows when Bucky enters her eyesight.

She smiles walking to his side. "So what did Sam ask you to get?"

"Bold of you to assume I got invited." She shows him her unimpressed expression as he just laughs and points at the napkins in front of them, "He said ice cream and napkins." He grabs the bounty napkins and turns to face her, only to notice that she was down the aisle and getting dip.

"I thought you left for a sec, why don't we go together?" He asks as he starts to walk slowly out the aisle hoping she would follow.

She nods and follows Bucky to the self-check out.

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