Wakanda 5

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After everyone has cleaned up and dressed, they head outside and towards the roof where they are greeted by Ayo and Okoye.

"Hello friends, how nice of you guys wanting to come back to Wakanda." Okoye says as they lead them onto the aircraft.

"White wolf, you're looking better." Ayo whispers to Bucky, not noticing Natasha picking up the nickname.

"White wolf?" She asks with her eyebrows pulled together.

"It was a nickname the kids called me when I first stayed in Wakanda." she smiles at him, nodding. 

Steve takes out his sketch book and pulls up the photo of the flower from earlier, and begins drawing.

Natasha stares at Bucky until he sits next to her and straps in.

"James...be a dear and hand me your phone." she holds her hand out waiting.

He slowly reaches for his phone while questioning her sudden statement.

"But why would?" He stops talking when he sees her putting her number in his phone.

She finishes with a smile and hands him back his phone. "James, how else do you expect to contact me if anything happens?" He cocks an eyebrow at that. "So you only gave me your number for that purpose and nothing else?"

She notices the disappointment hidden in is voice. She places her head on his shoulder and closes her eyes. 

"Shh James, what kind of friends don't have each other's numbers." He smirks, but it fades when he sees Ayo and Okoye smiling at them.

He lifts his hands in question and they chuckle before turning back around.



2 Hours Later:

The 3 of them grab their bags while Ayo and Okoye start walking down the platform. 

"Welcome back White Wolf, Ms. Romanoff, and Captain Rogers." Steve raises his hand and correct T'Challa.

"Oh no, I've retired. Captain no more." "Oh good for you then, follow me while I show you to your quarters will you." 

As they walk Natasha realizes she's able to take a look around and enjoy the scenery, and not worry about some mad Titan. T'Challa slows down before coming to a sudden stop. He points at three doors that oddly had their names on it already. Steve points at his door, "So you prepared these before with our names on it?" T'Challa laughs and nods. "Yes, I wanted our temporary or permanent company to feel at home and have a place of their own." 

They all voiced their gratitude, and as he left they separated to their own rooms. Natasha placed her bag on her bed with a loud sigh.

'Better unpack now or I won't ever get to it' she lets out low snort to her own thought.

Bucky and Steve managed to leave their rooms around the same time. "Hey Buck, since you've been here longer than me, anywhere you recommend?" He asks as he takes in his clothing choice, noting the towel and swim shorts and t-shirt. 

"I would say the lake and pool. The market place in town is great too, they have almost everything you would want. I'm actually on the way to the pool now, did you want to come?" 

Steve rushes back to his room and Bucky leans on the wall and waits for him. After a few minutes Natasha leaves her room and notices him on the wall. "What are you doing just standing their soldier?" He points to Steve's door. She voices a low 'ah' at him.

She walks down the hall and makes a right disappearing from Bucky's view, just as he was about to knock on Steve's door, he comes out with new clothes and a towel. He gives him a boyish grin "Sorry, I couldn't find my trunks."

They walked to the pool and noticed that it was empty; perks of being in their own section of the palace.

James and Bucky drop their towels and take off their shirts before getting into the pool.



Natasha made it to the balcony, and was enjoying the breathtaking view before she heard splashing. 

"What the-" She looks down and sees Steve and Bucky in the pool floating around. 

She calls out to them and catches their attention. "Hey 'Tasha, are you going to join us?" Steve asks, while Bucky shields his eyes trying to see her. She turns around and gets off the balcony. She rushes to her room and looks through her suitcase.

"Now where the hell did I put it?" after doing some searching she finds her dark green 2 piece bikini. 

She's quick to put it on and check herself in the mirror. 'James always did like me in green.'

She puts on sunscreen and grabs a sunhat, and towel before making her way out to the pool.  When she finally made it Steve was out the pool and sitting with his hands behind his head on the lounge chair. 

"Nat, I take it back. You don't look terrible in bikinis." Steve says when he catches a glimpse of her green bikini.

She smirks and places her towel down on the chair next to his. "Yeah I know Steve I was just kidding then."

Bucky finally comes up from underwater and as he wipes his hands over his face he sees a blurring figure getting into the water. As his vision clears up he notices it's Natasha and that the's wearing a dark green bikini. He feels blood rush to his cheeks when she makes eye contact with him and smirks.

"Like what you see soldier?" He quickly composes himself and grabs her by the waist and pulls her closer. He sees her eyes widen at the sudden feeling, and grins and nods. "Yeah, I do."

She places her hands on his shoulders and leans in and gives him a kiss on the cheek. When she feels his grip on her loosen she swims to the other end of the pool and manages to get on the floatie.

Steve watches them in the pool, until he gets a notification on his phone. He sees it's from Sharon and gets up to leave. "Guys, I'm going back to my room." "Yeah, go talk to your girlfriend and tell her Nat and I said hi." Bucky calls out before he disappears into the building.

Bucky heads to the steps and sits there taking in the air. He looks at Natasha and starts to hear a voice calling out to him. But he doesn't see anyone, until he gets a headache he gets up and gripping his head while turning his back to her.

'James, I think I love you.'                                                                                                                                                                             'I think I love you too Natalia.'

'mili moi, when we get out of here we can start a new life together. Just you and me.'                                          'I don't think I'll ever get out. If you manage to get out. Leave and never come back for me okay?'                                                                                                                                                                                          'James, don't be ridiculous, you know I would come back for you.'                                                                              'No 'Talia I need you to promise me you won't come back for me. Promise me please, then I'll be able to be relieved.'                                                                                                                   'Okay...okay I promise James. I just hope it won't come to it.'



"Hey James are you okay over there?" Natasha asks when she sees him facing the other direction. He slowly turns around and nods walking back to his room.


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