Uh Oh 13

191 8 1

It's been 2 weeks since Natasha left and to say no one noticed the effect it left on Bucky would be an understatement. 

Wanda had noticed that Bucky had been in his room a lot more than usual. "Hey Steve, have you spoken to Bucky recently? We've all noticed his behavior." Wanda asks as she enter the living room, sitting next to him. 

He looks up from the book he has in his hand and shakes his head no. "I don't even know how long this mission Nat is on supposed to last. How about you, did she tell you?" Wanda reaches toward the peanut bowl before responding to him.

"No, I don't Bucky knows either. He just said it would be a while too." She stuffs 4 peanuts into her mouth as Sam and Rhodey step out of the elevator in a conversation over who would win in a fight of Ant-Man vs. The Wasp.

"Hey guys what are you two talking about?" She asks throwing a peanut at them getting their attention. Rhodey points at Sam while answering, "He thinks if Ant-man and Wasp got into a fight that ant-man would win." 

Before they could go further into the debate of who would win, Maria Hill walks in with a thick envelope.

"Oh good, you're all here. I have work for all of you to complete." She opens the envelope handing everyone a packet of pictures and names with them.

"These are?...." Sam asks flipping the pages over. Maria pulls a chair up and sits folding her hands over her lap. "These are recruits and you guys have to show them around in 2 hours, including Barnes. So someone needs to get him and fill him in." 

It's quiet as they watch her disappear as the elevator doors close. "So who's going to get Barnes?"

"Not it!"Rhodey says cutting off Sam, earning him a glare in response. Everyone looks to Steve expecting him to say something.  

Steve gets up with a sigh and heads towards the elevator. When he makes it to Bucky's room he knocks and waits for an answer but when he doesn't get one he just walks in.

When he walks in he notices that the area is kept clean and not what he was expecting at all. 

'Wow, it's cleaner than my room in here.'

Bucky enters the room with a t-shirt and sweatpants on, and nods towards Steve's direction.

"Hey Steve what brings you here?" Bucky drops onto the couch with a loud Thump! 

"We all have to train new trainees coming in today. You are included too, so get changed and head downstairs to the training room, they will be here in an hour or so." he explains as Bucky groans but gets up anyways.

He waves by as he disappears into his bedroom to change.




Rhodey, Wanda, Steve and Sam are in the training room waiting on Bucky and the recruits to arrive any minute now. It's quiet except for the occasional small talk they make, until the ding sound of the elevator opening catches their attentions. 

It's Bucky wearing a black t-shirt tucked into black cargo pants with his black combat boots. He makes his way over to them and stands waiting with his arms over his chest.

"Hi everyone, nice to see you're all here and on time." Maria says with the recruits trailing behind her. 

"Alright guys I leave these recruits in your hands now, Fury needs me for something else right now." Maria tells them as she heads back into the direction of the elevator.

"Good Afternoon everyone I am Rhodey and I'm pretty sure you know who these guys are behind me. Today we will start out simple with a simple showing you around and getting to know you guys." Rhodey moves his arms as he speaks and gesture them to start off with their names before they start going around the base.

When everyone lines up they count and find out they will be showing 7 men and 7 women around the base. 

They decided to split the group up and mix it up. Wanda and Bucky takes a few while Sam, Rhodey and Steve take the rest with them.

As they start Wanda gives them a little information on the training room and its hours before it's closed off.

"Okay guys do you have any questions, anything you're curious about in general?" She turns to face then as Bucky does the same. A woman signals with her hand gaining their attention.

"Hi, are able to have a room here or do we just come here to work in the morning?" She asked while staring at Bucky.

Bucky nods while answering, "You guys won't live in this building but the one next door, so you'll be close by." The recruits look right and left as murmur in agreement, liking that they will be close by. 

"Are we allowed to be in relationships or is this like, you can't because we're all technically coworkers?" Wanda looks at Bucky strangely before urging him to respond.

"Yes you are allowed to date, you guys aren't high schoolers so we do expect you to be mature and professional about it." He gives them a stern look as to convince them.




After they show them around they all meet back up in the lounge room. 

"Hey how'd it go for everyone?" Steve asks as he picks up the book he was reading from earlier and sits on the couch.

"It went well, although I think we need to watch a few of them. I fear that they some of them were hitting on Bucky during our tour. Poor guy was either too dense to realize or too in love with Natasha to see anyone else." Wanda whispers the last part sitting next to him.

Steve's eyes bug out at the mention of someone hitting on his best friend. "Uh oh...that's not good." He tells her.

He looks in the direction of Bucky and sees him staring at his phone with a frown. "I guess by the look on his face, he hasn't heard from Natasha since she left." Rhodey voices out as he sits beside them on the couch, Sam soon following after.

"Hi Captain Rogers, I'm Agent Smith. I was wondering when do we go the other building to start unpacking and stuff?"

Rhodey stands up before Steve and tells him to sit back down. "I've got this Steve, you stay and I don't know finish your book." They watch as hey leads the agents out of the room.

"Well, I'm ordering pizza for us and why not watch a movie tonight?" Sam asks. They all agree as they go their separate ways to their room to change into more comfortable clothes. They all met back in the theater room 20 minutes later and where trying to decide what to watch...specifically the genre.

Sam and Rhodey are trying to convince Steve to put on Pirates of the Caribbean while Wanda was trying to convince them to watch Final Destination 5. "Why don't we just watch both? I mean we have all the time in the world right?" Bucky says annoyed with everyone talking about different things at once.

"Yeah, we can do Pirates of the Caribbean first then Wanda's choice of movie." Steve says. Just as they finally put the movie on the pizza arrives, it doesn't last long seeing as there were 2 super soldiers with big appetites.

1 hour into the first movie they were interested by J.A.R.V.I.S.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but you have 4 of the new agents out in the front waiting on you Captain Rogers."

Steve gets up with a grunt as everyone's eyes follow him out the room. Not too long after he returns with 4 people following behind him. "They wanted to hang out with us and I said sure."

"Hi, I'm Agent Melinda Smith,"

"I'm Agent Terry Johnston"

"I'm Agent Samantha Paris"

"And I'm Agent Liam Benjamin"  When they finishes introducing themselves they all gathered on the couch, grabbing a slice of pizza."

"Psst, hi Sergeant Barnes. Can I sit here?" He looked from the screen to see Samantha staring at him with a smile.




(A/N: Sorry it took so long.)

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