Recovery 20

163 7 1

(A/N: In Russian)

After Natasha was reminded repeatedly from the doctors and nurse that she was not to do anything that required too much movement they were able to leave and make it back to the base. The base was luckily for them empty, so they didn't have to answer questions that they other guys would want to ask. 

"James I am hungry. When we get to the room can you please order some food?" She supports herself with her crutches as they exit the elevator. "Yeah, anything you want in particular?" Bucky asks as they get closer to their door they see a feminine figure standing with her back to them. When the person turns around they realize it was Samantha. "Hi guys."

Bucky and Natasha look at each other with confusion. "How can we help you Samantha?" Bucky asks opening the door for Natasha. 

Natasha begins limping to the door but pauses when she sees Bucky's hand behind signalling for her to wait for him. "I came to find you James-"

"Don't call me James, it's either Bucky or Sergeant Barnes pick one." Bucky gives her a stern look as he was very serious about the name calling. She frowns but continues anyways. "Okay Bucky I came to ask if you would interesting in accompanying me on my assignment? It's a simple one just to shut down this Hydra base." Samantha rocks on the heels of her feet, with a smile.

Bucky looks behind to Natasha with an uninterested expression before turning back to face Samantha. "No, you have other Agents to ask. I am going to be taking care of my girlfriend, I'm pretty sure you're not blind to see that right?" Samantha looks down with a frown after hearing his annoyed tone. "But I could use someone with your expertise."

Bucky turns around to help support Natasha inside the room following but not before kicking the door closed. "I didn't expect to see her for a little longer with the way things ended last time." Natasha lets out a sigh as Bucky helps her to sit up on the bed. 

"I'm ordering Chinese food, any objections?" Bucky asks changing the subject. Natasha waves him off, "Remember to get veg-" 

"Yeah, I know vegetable lo mein. I'm getting two meats, sesame chicken and general Tso's chicken, with a couple of spring rolls." The mention of chicken and spring rolls leads to Natasha's stomach being heard, causing him to laugh at her.

"Shut up and order the food James."




Wanda and Yelena are lounging around in the lounge room watching tv. Wanda has been wanting to ask her if she has come across any trouble with anyone since she's been here, since her mind is screaming with troubles.

"Yelena...are you okay? I didn't look into your mind but it is sticking out." "I just want to know what with that Samantha girl? She has a crush on Bucky or something?" Wanda tenses up not going unnoticed to Yelena.

"I knew it, but why does it seem like you are hiding something? I mean everyone, cause when I arrived to the resort, it was tense and quiet." Wanda suddenly waves her hands and Yelena notices that she's stuck to the couch, she looks up at her in confusion and annoyance. "Just as I thought I was beginning to like you Wanda. Just tell me what this is all about Da?" 

"So Samantha may have insulted Natasha about her past and killing innocent people before she started working for S.H.I.E.L.D. Saying basically that Bucky shouldn't be with someone like her. Which don't think its dumb because her and Bucky have almost the same story, and hell he even trained her." Yelena lets out a laugh but Wanda could hear the bitterness in it.

"Wanda, I get why you are holding me but I promise I'm fine. Now if she does something with me in the room, I can't promise that she'll be fine." Wanda sighs as she lets Yelena go. 

The camera for the front door comes up and shows a man holding a bag of food. 

J.A.R.V.I.S.: "Ms. Maximoff the man at the door has the food that Sergeant Barnes ordered." 

"Da, I'll take it to them." Yelena takes the food and heads to the elevator, just as the doors were about to close Wanda squishes inside. "I'll come too. You never know who you might run into on the way."

Bucky was on the way to the elevator to get the food after J.A.R.V.I.S. notified him, when he saw Yelena and Wanda exit with a bag and with the aroma filling the hallway he figured it was their food. "Hey guys, I see you got our food." They nod as Yelena stretches her arm out to hand the food over. "Yeah, but Bucky you be careful. I know about the other girl. I told Wanda if something like that happens again and I happen to be in the room, she's not safe." 

Bucky laughs at Yelena's protective sister side showing. "Don't worry, I got it handled." They all turn the opposite direction and began walking back to where they were.

When he gets inside room, he sees Natasha scrolling through her phone, and the table is pulled to the bed. "I see you're very eager to eat." She snatches the bag and places it on the table and begins to pile the food onto her plate.

"Slow down 'Talia, it isn't going anywhere." He pats her back as she eats her food in a rush out of hunger. "I know but I am starving." She does eventually start to slow down and enjoy the food and quietness of the room. 

"I ran into Yelena and Wanda as I was making my way to the elevator. She knows about what happened and promised if it happens again...well you know Yelena." Natasha looks at him in understanding. "Yeah, I do."

The rest of the day, the two just cuddled on the bed, with the tv on playing in the background.

(A/N: Sorry if this chapter kind of sucks.)

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