Charity 10

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It's been 2 weeks since Yelena came to stay  at the facility. She mostly lays low except for the occasional sparring with Natasha or even Bucky.

Fury had called the Avengers to the conference room for a meeting. 

As everyone filled the room that morning Natasha had to pull a very resistant Bucky into the room. "I don't get why I have to be here. I'm not an Avenger, and I said I wasn't going to be going on missions until I feel like I'm mentally ready for it." Natasha stops pulling him as she places her hands on his shoulder. "Look, I understand you James I do. I was you in the beginning too, I'm not asking you to go on a mission, but to just attend the meeting okay?" Bucky shrugs as they sit in the last seats in the middle of the room.

"Okay, I'm just going to let you guys know this meeting isn't for any mission really. It's to help Pepper who is throwing a charity party. The money is to help those who have been displaced after the blip, I've figured this would be a good chance to have the world know the Avengers are back and here to help." Fury stands leaning onto the table before turning his back to everyone. "Any questions?"

Wanda gets everyone's attention when she begins speaking. "Yeah, like when is this? And do we dress up for it?" Fury nods as he turns back around. "Yes, you guys need to clean up nice and be presentable. It is actually later tonight, which is why I had the meeting this morning. Everyone is dismissed unless you want to ask anything else."

It was noisy as everyone was leaving people asking what they were going to wear and such, Natasha looks as Bucky placing her hands on his cheek as she notices a conflicted look on his face. "Hey, what's wrong?"

He grabs her hands pulling them in between them. "It's just that this event isn't really my type of scene maybe I should stay behind and not go. Save you the trouble." She lightly punches his chest. "What do you mean 'save me the trouble?' I love you James, and I'm not going to force you to go. But I am going out with Wanda to get a dress. Who knows, maybe after the whole charity thing, you might be able to see the surprise after." She leans and whispers the last part in his ear, licking his earlobe as she pulls away. She hears him let out a low groan as she walks away, adding more sway to her hips and she senses him watching her walk away.

'Damn, this woman.'



Wanda, Yelena, and Natasha had been shopping for dresses for 2 hours now and they stopped at a diner to eat. "Oh thank God. I'm starving." Wanda exclaims as they take a seat at a booth in the back. The three of them take look at the menu until the waitress comes to take their orders. Natasha orders a BLT, Wanda orders a cheeseburger with french fries, and Yelena gets a club sandwich with coleslaw as a side.

"Nat, where do you think we should go next? We need outfits pretty soon." She gives a small smile before her phone vibrates, grabbing her attention. "Oh it's from Pepper."

Natasha looks at her phone for a bit replying to Pepper, while Wanda stares out the window. She notices a pregnant woman crossing the street with a smile rubbing her stomach, she smiles at the gesture letting out a small sigh. Yelena notices and rubs her back with a sad smile. "Well, looks like our questions have been answered. Pep said that we could get our dress custom made we just need to get sized and let the experts do the rest." Natasha says putting her back into her pocket. Wanda lets out a happy sound at that as Yelena claps a little as she sees the waitress coming with their food. 

"Here you ladies go, enjoy your food. Let me know if you need anything else." 




After they finished eating they made their way back across town to the avengers facility again, where they were met by Pepper holding a clipboard in her arms against her chest. "Nat, Wanda and Yelena great timing. We gotta be quick if you want to be dressed in enough time. Come, come hurry and follow me to the tailor." She speeds walk with them following not far behind until they make it to a room they haven't seen before. 

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