Undercover 8

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After Sam and Bucky left, it was just Steve and Natasha. They would occasionally spar when they were bored but other than that it was pretty bland.


Natasha was sitting on the couch in the living room reading 'How To Kill A Mockingbird', she's read it multiple times but she enjoys it. Just as she flips the page her phone goes off, she debates whether to answer or not until she sees it's from Wanda.

"Hey Wanda, how are you?"                                                                                                                                                             "Hey Nat, I'm good just calling to let you know I'm nearby and that I would like to hang out with you after I finish unpacking."                                                                                                           "Okay sure. I'll meet you when you get here then."                                                                                                               "Bye."

Natasha smiles at her phone when after they hung up. Feeling no motivation to read the next well known page of the book she heads to Steve's room. As she waits after knocking she hears his voice telling her to come in. When she enters his room, she's met with Sharon sitting on his couch.

"Hey Sharon funny meeting you here. Did they let you back into the state?" She asks. Sharon stands up with a laugh. "Yeah, they actually did. I thought I would come and visit Steve." Just then Steve comes into the living room with a nice blue button up shirt and black jeans, held together with a dark brown belt.

"Wow, Rogers you clean up nice. Are you guys going on a date?" She smirks when his cheeks redden a little at her question. "Uh yeah we are. Was there something you needed to tell me, or were you bored?" He asks. "Okay, I get it. I know when I'm not needed, and no I just wanted to let you know that Wanda is going to be here soon." Natasha tells him as she inches over to the door. When her hand reaches the door nob she turns one last time. "Okay kids have a good time, don't make any babies...unless that is what you guys are planning." She leaves when she succeeds in making them both blush and Steve cough.

'Ah Steve is so innocent.'




"Hey guys I've got the quinjet hovering over where you guys jump off." Torres tells them as he opens the hatch. "You guys' target is this guy names Kalen Orson. He is to be said the one who stole confidential information, but he is pretty high up in status, so you have to keep it discrete." Torres tells them, as they get close to the open hatch.

"Alright Torres, our phones will be on, so let us know if there's anything else. We'll try to make this quick." Sam tells him right before him and Bucky jump out.

"Ah!...Ouch!" Bucky groans when he hits the ground, he groans louder when he hears Sam's laughter. "Do you ever stick a landing?" He asks rhetorically.

"Okay let's go, its pretty far. Luckily they left us a car nearby and a change of clothes. We'll have to go undercover at this gala Orson will be at, trying to sell the confidential information." Sam tells him as they get closer to the road where they're see the car parked alongside the street.

When the guys arrive to the car, they realize the car is unlocked and the keys are sitting in the drivers seat. "Wow, that was not a safe spot to put the keys. Don't you think?" Bucky asks rhetorically as he sits down on the passenger side.

The car ride is short and silent, until Sam pulls into a gas station. Bucky looks at him in question. "We need to change clothes remember?" Sam turns off the car before reaching in the backseat for the bag containing their suits.

"I'll go first you wait here." He gets out before Bucky could object. As he waits he pulls out his phone and checks to see if he got any messages. He smiles when he sees he got a message from  Steve saying he was on a date with Sharon.

'Wow, Steve finally got to take her on a date'

He puts his phone away as he catches site of Sam approaching the car in his suit. "Okay, your turn. Oh wait this glove is for your hand, it's made to look like skin when you put it on. Courtesy of Fury." Sam hands him the glove. He catches Bucky's attention at the mention of Fury. "Wait, Fury knew I was going to take the mission before you asked me?" Sam nods and gets back into the car telling him to hurry.




After Bucky finished and returned to the car Sam starts the car and pulls away. "So to keep this simple, we just need to snatch the file before it gets in the wrong hands." Sam reminds him as the Gala comes into view.

When Sam parks the car he makes eye contact with Bucky, handing him his comm and nods before they split ways inside the building. Sam scans the room and takes a glass on champagne as he passes a waiter.

"I'm heading to the second floor to get a better view." Bucky tells him after scanning the first floor. Bucky heads to the second floor where he catches site of an envelope on a dinner table. "I think I have eyes on the information." He says before taking a sip of his champagne.

"Okay, keep eyes on it. Make sure it is the right one." Sam replies.

"Um, excuse me. I was wondering if I can talk to you." Bucky turns when he realizes the female voice was addressed to him. He turns where he is met with a woman maybe in her mid 20's in a purple off the shoulder gown. "You want to talk to me?" He asks pointing at himself. She laughs covering her mouth. "Yes, you silly. You're very handsome, I was going to ask if we could dance?"

'I mean, I have to act natural.'

"Sure why not." She loops her right arm into his left and led him downstairs to the ballroom. As he heads down the stairs he makes eye contact with Sam signalling him, that he was pulled away.

When makes it the ballroom the girl puts her arms around his neck and he puts his hands higher on her waist. As they began swaying to the light music she lets out a small chuckle catching his attention. "What's so funny?" Bucky asks. She shakes her head making eye contact with him, "It's just that I never asked you your name."

"I'm Sebastian, and may I ask what is your name?"

"It's Mia. You are very handsome, are you single?" Bucky slows their dancing to a full stop when they make it the the side closest to the dining table beside the dance floor. "No, I'm taken and very happy." Her smile drops and she walks away.

"Wow Barnes, I thought you were supposed to be a gentleman." Sam snickers through the comms. He shrugs and walks towards the stairs.

"How's it coming along did you manage to get it yet?" He asks as he makes it to Sam. "No man. But I do need a distraction, so I can get it. Think you can come up with that?" Sam hears Bucky grunt as he heads downstairs. "Yeah, and it's going to be a bit much. So be quick with grabbing it."



(A/N: Sorry it took so long. I was stuck on what to have them do, also I suck at writing action parts.)

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