Episode 28 - snowed in.

Comenzar desde el principio

Meanwhile Kevin was still locked in the bathroom, and he was washing his face.

Kevin: why can't you act normal for 5 minutes. Don't wreck this. You've earned this.

He looks in the mirror and sees a reflection of the forever knight.

Forever knight: have you earned this?

Kevin: yeah, I've changed a lot since I've gotten rid of you.

Forever knight: you will pay for that. Later for now I need you to go and retrieve my robotic head from that phil.

Kevin: nope, not dealing with this today. I don't know how you're back in my head, but I don't want anything to do with you anymore. Got it?

Forever knight: fine, I'll back off. For now. Sooner or later there going to turn on you. There not your friends, and they will ditch you if they need to. They won't come back for you, and you would leave them in an instant.

Kevin walks out ad slams the door.

Ben: you ok up there Kevin?

Kevin: just dealing with something.

Circe: is it something about your old mentor coming back when you least expect him?

Kevin: you don't know that.

He runs off into a different room and uses crystalfist to lock himself in.

Ken: you weren't kidding about Kevin where you?

Gwen: he's still a little bit of a jerk but he's not as bad as he used to be, and he's fighting for the right side now. Even if he won't admit it.

Ken: and that with can turn you into one of 10 aliens?

Ben: and if I know their code, I can get thousands more.

Gwen: how many pods did you think you saw in the omnitrix when we took down the Fulmini

Ben: I'd say over a million. Also, azimuth told me so himself.

Max: I still don't like the fact that we barley know azimuth.

Ken: so how did Kevin get his watch?

Ben: he made it in his garage.

Ken: WHAT?! HOW?!

Max: vilgax sent to him in a dream from the null void.

Ken: oh, that makes sense.

Rex: and we haven't even gotten to the nanite event.

Suddenly the lights all go out. Ben changed into shockrock, and the room filled with a soft blue glow.

Natalie: what did I say about alien's ben?

Ben: sorry aunt Natalie but I can't just go back to normal.

Natalie: sorry ben. It's fine it's just been a long day. There's a generator in the basement if you want to try and get it up and running.

Rex: I'll go with you. I'm starting to get better with my powers.

The pair descend into the basement where ben touches the generator, and it starts moving as it filles with blue electricity.

Ben: I didn't do anything. I just tapped it.

Rex: maybe we should consider ourselves lucky then. Less work for us to do.

Ben: I don't know. Something just feels wrong.

Rex: come on, I bet they could still use a little shockrock action up there.

Ben: I hope so, or else I changed for nothing.

He times out as the pair are halfway up the stairs and they find the living room had a giant red breach in the middle of it.

Circe: Everybody get back. It's one of breach's breaches.

They all get back other than ben, Gwen, max, rex and Circe as Circe extends her jaw out, rex forms his smack hands, Gwen gets her energy shields and max get his blasters, Bobo comes out of the kitchen and immediately joins in with the rest of the lineup.

Sandra: how bad do you think this is going to be?

Carl: let's hope it's not as bad as those bug brothers who destroyed our house.

Ken: bug brothers?

Ben: I'm still on cool down here.

Rex: and where's Kevin?

Gwen: locked in some room up there.

Max: come on kids, let's show this guy who's boss.

The breach clears up and in it they spot van Kleiss.

Van Kleiss: so good to see all of you in one place. Just wanted to wish you all a happy holiday.

Circe: we're done with you. And why do you have captain nemesis working for you?

Van Kleiss: all in due time my lovely young Evo. And don't think I didn't notice how that alien watch looked after you left. What with it crackling green energy. There's something about abyss that it can't handle, and it may have something to do with the very Evo standing next to you.

Rex: what do you mean?

Van Kleiss: remember to when you first met.

The breach closes and everybody stands down as Gwen looks up to the room that Kevin was locked in. ben rushed up the room and used four arms o barge his way in. finding the room empty as he looked around.

Ben: Kevin isn't here.

Ken: guess he's bailed.

Gwen: in this kind of weather. He must be freeing.

Ben: or hotshot. He does have a fire alien.

Rex: why would van Kleiss worn us like that?

Circe: I don't know but I don't like the sounds of it.

Max: it's a good thing then that you two are heading to providence later.

Ken: If I'm going to be sticking around for the next week, then I should go and set up in my old room then.

Frank: unfortunately, we had to give that room to Circe when she came to live with us.

Natalie: and it was a guest room after you didn't come back last year.

Ken: so, onto the couch it is?

Max: or you could always stay with me, rex and Bobo in the rustbucket.

Ken: sure, that works. They all get around the fire as ben changes back to normal and the snow clears away, even if just slightly. 

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