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You now sit at a table with four men. The dining room is silent, and empty, but you feel suffocated by their presence. Lunch today is simple grilled cheese and tomato soup, but still it tasted great. You've been nibbling on it while the other four sit with nothing. Skully is doing enough talking for the whole table, though.

"BEN had shown up unannounced, but that wasn't a problem! Showing her his games and all, but he did mention some stuff that she doesn't need to stress about." He holds out a hand to you, the black leather gloves crinkled with his palms and fingers. "Ain't that right!"

You chewed another piece of bread and cheese feeling yourself try and quickly finish the piece. "Yeah..." You say trying to keep the sour taste of that simple job, or the deal, or even the eyes and voices of today. You're starting to miss the boredom of the cell.

"We'll just give BEN a small penalty for stressing out the new resident."

"P-Prisoner. Whi-which should-int be eating our food."

"Oh come on Toby! She got a visit! Clearly that's something of worth!"

"The only worth she could have is as bait." Masky commented.

"That's not entirely true. We can train her into something worth the Operators time." Hoodie stated.

Toby turned his head, harshly, toward you. The motion giving a snap to his neck which didn't seem to bother him, "Wha-what do you think."


"Of the... people?"

"Treat-t-t- Treatment."

You scrunch your nose thinking about it, the basic answer is of course, Total fucking ass. You're thinking about the overall though, they're probably asking about only today.

"It... was cool. There's a couple interesting people..."

"Like who?" Skully leaned forward. You placed down your sandwich with small bites taken out on one side.

You thought about which people should be even mentioned. Eyeless Jack's interaction you'd keep secret for now, since you aren't sure if that demon is the best or the worst person in this house. "I'm not sure, all of them really."

"Not picking favorites, clever." Masky states, leaning forward like Skully had. "But, do you remember their names and faces?"

"Of course." You state naturally, "Just because this place is scary doesn't mean I won't forget."

Your boldness rear its ugly head before you could stop the words that flooded from your mouth, "Like I won't forget how you dragged me here and beat me on my first day."

The four men are silent as you internally come to realize the things you just said. You're not looking forward to what is about to happen now that you can't take that back. Your mind floods with so many questions and worries you never.

"Did you expect better treatment?"

You stare at Hoodie, feeling your fear hitting your throat. You held your words feeling like you'd choke on them anyways. Instead, you pick back up the sandwich and take a bite trying to distract your mouth.

"Collections are hard to determine. The Observer doesn't give us clear instructions. They are vague and because of that there are many ways to interpret it." Hoodie slowly stood from his seat, "So, forgive us for wondering what it wants."

You can't keep eye contact with Hoodie, well with his mask anyways, so you stare at his shoulder. Hoping that's enough for him.

"We're still determining if you're worth giving a room in this place, but Skully and I have insisted on it."

I'LL ADAPT (Creepypasta x F!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now