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You awake to the sound of knocking against metal. Your body feels perfectly fine, but everything below you is sticky. Pushing yourself from the cool floor the smell hits your nose while lifting yourself up. The thick copper smell radiated below you. Your head dully pounds and again your mouth is dry from the cloth that is still tucked inside. Yanking off and unwinding the layers of duct tape hurt. Your hair would get caught and even though it allowed your skin to breathe it was still tearing away from the sweat and sensitive flesh. Finally, you're able to spit out the cloth and regain your speech.

"What is it?" You cringe at your own voice. It has become way more hoarse and a few octaves down from what it would be usually.

The metal door opens. Light beams in from the other side and a figure stands in the doorway. They're tall with short hair and something, maybe a scarf or something similar, obscuring their neck. Most of their body is covered by a long coat.

"We brought you food." They stated. Their voice is a deep, mellowed smooth, yet there is softness. It's almost like a front, which you don't trust.

You're starving and you have no idea how long it's been since you ate. The last meal was breakfast.

"What'd you bring?"

"Have a look for yourself."

The figure enters and finally you can make out some features and colors. While the man doesn't get too close you can see the light brown hair that stays above his ears. He has piercing eyes, which reflect like crystals in a saturated green shade. It seems he's trying to approach you like some kind of scared doe, but whatever. He slides out a small unfolding table from under his right arm and places it before you setting down a tray of food.

On it is a bowl of meat sprinkled with green onions, sour cream and cheese. Must be chili, but you're not sure if it's beef. Knowing these people you didn't rule out cannibalism. A can of soda and a small plate with what looks to be cornbread is accompanying the bowl. You eyed the man with suspicion seeing he has a gray and white striped scarf secured around his neck, but he also has scars. One runs along the right side of his nose and ends just at the corner of his left eye and the other two travel up the corners of his mouth. Stitching was done to help these cuts by the uneven healing, but still scars all the same.

He gives you a polite smile and steps away from the food. He wears a dark olive overcoat with a dull green sweater that is tucked into black jeans and a brown leather belt. You see that he also has on olive colored military boots that rides half way up his calves which has his jeans tucked into. He's one of them, that's for sure. You scoot out of the blood puddle and examine the food closely. The soda seems like the only safe option.

"It's all safe. That was lunch."

You look up to the man and scoff, "Who are you?"

"My name is Liu."

"Got a last name?" He seems hesitant on telling you, must have some trouble with that so before he says anything you introject, "Never mind."

No need to be friendly.

The food smells really good, so whoever cooked it must have taken some cooking classes. The chili smells spicy, but not overbearing. Your stomach turns against itself giving you a burning feeling, so you begin to down the food. It's sloppy and indecent as the spoon you are provided is bitten multiple times, scraping metal against teeth, feeling as though the food will disappear if you don't eat it fast enough. Crumbs and sauce surround your mouth and even extend down your chin and into your crossed legs.

The man before you doesn't make any sounds other than breathing.

You finally crack open the can of soda and begin to down it before air becomes backed up in your throat so you had to stop to let out a burp. Snapping out of your hunger you stop the soda at your lips and glance at the man in embarrassment. You let him see you vulnerable. He only gave a wistful smile at your glance, seeming to not judge you.

I'LL ADAPT (Creepypasta x F!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now